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Rate Limiting & Best Practices

Rate Limiting & Best Practices

Rate Limiting & Best Practices

Understand the limitations of the API and best practices to optimize your integrations.

Video tutorials

4 min read

Welcome to the Documint dashboard, the command center for all your documentation needs. This page is dedicated to helping you familiarize yourself with the main interface of Documint, highlighting the core tools and features that you will be using to manage your documents efficiently.

Accessing the Dashboard

Upon logging in to your Documint account, you will be greeted by the Dashboard. This is your overview page that provides access to all of the application's features. Here's what you need to know to get started.

Dashboard Layout

The Documint Dashboard is intuitively organized to provide a seamless user experience. Here's a quick rundown of the key areas:

Navigation Bar

At the top of the Dashboard, the Navigation Bar is your primary tool for moving between different sections of the app. It includes the following elements:

  • Home Icon: Clicking this will always bring you back to the dashboard from anywhere within the app.

  • Document Manager: Access all your documents, organize them into folders, and sort them as needed.

  • Templates: Find and apply pre-made or custom templates to your documents.

  • Settings: Adjust your personal settings, manage your account, and configure application preferences.

Quick Access Toolbar

Just below the Navigation Bar is the Quick Access Toolbar. This area provides shortcuts to commonly used actions such as:

  • Create Document: Initiates a new document.

  • Import Document: Allows you to bring in documents from other platforms.

  • Search: Enables you to quickly find documents by name, content, or tags.


The central area of your Dashboard, the Workspace, is where your current documents and projects are displayed. It's a dynamic space that updates based on your interactions with the app.

  • Recent Documents: Shows the documents you've worked on recently.

  • In Progress: Displays drafts or documents that you've marked as in progress.

  • Shared with Me: Lists documents that others have shared with you for collaboration.


On the left-hand side of the Dashboard, the Sidebar gives you an organized view of your document categories, tags, and trash bin.

  • Folders: Organize your documents into folders for easy management.

  • Tags: Use tags to categorize and find documents swiftly.

  • Trash: Recover or permanently delete documents.

Status Bar

The Status Bar at the bottom of the Dashboard provides quick information about:

  • Sync Status: Shows the last sync time to ensure all changes are updated.

  • Notifications: Alerts you to any collaboration invitations, comments, or updates.

Core Tools and Features

Creating and Editing Documents

  • To start a new document, click on the 'Create Document' button on the Quick Access Toolbar.

  • Editing a document is as simple as clicking on the document title in the Workspace, which will open the document in the editor.

Document Organization

  • Use the drag-and-drop feature in the Workspace to organize documents into different folders in the Sidebar.

  • Sort documents by name, date, or custom parameters for easy access.

Collaboration and Sharing

  • The 'Shared with Me' section of the Workspace highlights documents that are shared for collaboration.

  • To share a document, select it in the Workspace and use the share icon in the Quick Access Toolbar to invite collaborators.

Templates and Styles

  • Apply a template to a new document by selecting one from the 'Templates' section in the Navigation Bar.

  • Customize styles by selecting the document and choosing 'Styles' from the editor options.

Searching Documents

  • The search function in the Quick Access Toolbar can be used to find documents by keywords, tags, or content within the document.


The Dashboard is designed to provide a user-friendly interface that keeps all your documentation tools within reach. Familiarizing yourself with the Dashboard's layout and core features is crucial to managing your documentation effectively.

As you become more comfortable with the Dashboard, you'll discover how these tools and features can streamline your workflow. For more detailed information on each feature, please refer to the respective sections of the documentation.

Happy documenting with Documint!

Rate Limiting & Best Practices
Accessing the Dashboard
Dashboard Layout
Core Tools and Features