Truques de vida
Mais de 650 solicitações de IA para advogados
Sep 11, 2023
Min read

Greg Mitchell | Legal consultant at AI Lawyer
Truques de vida
Mais de 650 solicitações de IA para advogados
Sep 11, 2023
Min read

Greg Mitchell | Legal consultant at AI Lawyer
Truques de vida
Mais de 650 solicitações de IA para advogados
Sep 11, 2023
Min read

Greg Mitchell | Legal consultant at AI Lawyer
Truques de vida
Mais de 650 solicitações de IA para advogados
Sep 11, 2023
Min read

Greg Mitchell | Legal consultant at AI Lawyer

As technology continues to transform the legal industry, chatbots have become increasingly popular in assisting lawyers with their work. Advogado de IA platform can help attorneys conduct legal research, provide legal help, and even assist with administrative tasks. However, to make it even easier and faster, we have prepared for you the largest list of AI Lawyer prompts for AI chats:
Prompts for Legal Research
Latest developments in [legal area].
Examples of [legal case/issue].
Relevant laws/regulations for [legal issue].
History of [legal case/issue].
Legal definition of [term/phrase].
Legal precedent for [legal case/issue].
Pros and cons of [legal argument/position].
Standard for [legal issue] in [jurisdiction].
Key legal arguments in [legal case/issue].
Summary of [case name].
Summarize [contract].
Statute of limitations for [type of case] in [state/jurisdiction].
Steps in [legal process/procedure].
Significance of [case name].
Elements of [legal claim/action].
Main defenses to [legal claim/action].
Burden of proof in [type of case].
Impact of [legal case/issue] on [industry/area of law].
Consequences/penalties for [legal violation].
Overview of [legal issue] in international law.
Compare [legal concept] in different jurisdictions.
Role of [legal principle/concept] in [area of law].
Key cases/legal authorities on [legal issue].
Concept of [legal term] relevance to [area of law].
Ethical considerations in [legal issue/situation].
Role of [legal professional/organization] in [system/process].
Implications of legal reforms on [area of law].
Upcoming changes in [legal area].
Potential impact of [legal issue] on [group/community].
Recent court decisions' effect on [legal principle/concept].
Relationship between [legal issue] and [policy/social issue].
Implications of [case/issue] on future cases/legislation.
Factors courts consider interpreting [legal provision/statute].
How [case/issue] affected [industry/sector].
Role of [government agency] in enforcing [regulation/requirement].
Differences between [types of law].
Evolution of [legal principle/concept].
Various forms of [legal entity/structure].
Primary sources of law for [issue/area of law].
Role of [legal document] in [process/transaction].
Importance of [principle/concept] in justice/fairness.
Relationship between [legal issue] and [constitutional principle].
Potential remedies for [legal harm/violation].
Legal basis for [government action/regulation].
Challenges/limitations of [legal approach/solution].
Relation of [case/issue] to [similar case/issue].
Examples of landmark cases in [area of law].
Application of [legal concept] in [situation/scenario].
Requirements for [legal action/procedure].
Effectiveness of [policy/regulation] addressing [issue/problem].
Role of [principle/concept] in promoting [interest/goal].
Rationale behind [legal rule/doctrine].
Factors courts consider in determining [issue/outcome].
Influence of [case/issue] on [opinion/debate].
Reception/criticism of [case/issue] by scholars/professionals.
Role of [legal institution/body] in [system/process].
Court hierarchy in [jurisdiction].
Elements of [legal theory/approach].
Impact of [case/issue] on [constitutional principle].
Challenges/controversies around [legal issue].
Law's address to [emerging issue/technology].
Role of [principle] in balancing interests/rights.
Key legal considerations in [business transaction/relationship].
Importance of [issue] in protecting [right/value].
ChatGPT Prompts for Drafting Legal Documents
Sales Agreement for vehicle ownership transfer.
Non-Disclosure Agreement for startup/investor.
Cease and Desist Letter for copyright infringement.
Last Will and Testament for John Doe.
Components of a Partnership Agreement.
Standard clauses for Lease Agreement.
Elements of an Employment Contract.
Terms for Prenuptial Agreement.
Provisions for Licensing Agreement.
Template for Power of Attorney.
Common mistakes in Commercial Lease Agreement.
Shareholders Agreement for a corporation.
Separation Agreement for divorcing couple.
Promissory Note for a loan between friends.
Privacy Policy for e-commerce website.
Inclusions for Freelance Services Agreement.
Clauses for Independent Contractor Agreement.
Elements for Non-Compete Agreement.
Terms for Joint Venture Agreement.
Provisions for Personal Loan Agreement.
Template for General Release of Liability.
Mistakes to avoid in Settlement Agreement.
Guardianship Agreement for a minor.
Deed of Trust for real estate transaction.
Warranty Deed for property sale.
Buy-Sell Agreement for business partnership.
Inclusions in LLC Operating Agreement.
Clauses for Share Purchase Agreement.
Elements for IP Assignment Agreement.
Terms for Franchise Agreement.
Provisions for Distribution Agreement.
Template for Letter of Intent (business acquisition).
Mistakes to avoid in Service Level Agreement (SLA).
Stock Option Plan for a startup.
Consent to Assignment of Lease for tenant.
Construction Contract for residential project.
Hold Harmless Agreement for contractor.
Clauses for Software Development Agreement.
Elements for Commercial Sublease Agreement.
Terms for Co-Founder Agreement.
Provisions for Consulting Agreement.
Template for Demand Letter (breach of contract).
Mistakes to avoid in Merger Agreement.
Real Estate Purchase Agreement for residential property.
Sponsorship Agreement for charity event.
MOU for collaboration between organizations.
Confidentiality Agreement for product inventor.
Proxy Agreement for shareholder meeting.
Clauses for Manufacturing Agreement.
Elements for Supply Agreement.
Terms for Website Terms of Service.
Provisions for Waiver of Liability.
Template for Affidavit of Identity.
Mistakes to avoid in Rental Agreement.
Inclusions in Security Agreement for secured loan.
ChatGPT Prompts for Family Lawyers:
Drafting Agreements:
Prenuptial Agreement: For engaged couples to protect assets.
Child Custody Agreement: For divorcing parents.
Postnuptial Agreement: Modifying marital property rights for spouses.
Parenting Plan: Outlining co-parenting responsibilities for separated parents.
Property Settlement Agreement: Dividing assets and debts for a divorcing couple.
Spousal Support Agreement: Considerations for a couple contemplating divorce.
Visitation Schedule: For non-custodial parents.
Adoption Agreement: For families looking to adopt.
Guardianship Agreement: For grandparents seeking legal guardianship of grandchildren.
Paternity Petition: For fathers establishing legal rights.
Legal Templates and Clauses:
Marital Settlement Agreement: Key components.
Child Support Agreement: Standard clauses.
Decree of Dissolution of Marriage: Necessary elements.
Mediated Divorce Agreement: Typical terms.
Cohabitation Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Parenting Time Modification: Template.
Separation Agreement: Common drafting mistakes to avoid.
Domestic Partnership Agreement: For unmarried couples establishing legal rights.
Specific Family Law Document Drafting:
Power of Attorney: For family decision-making.
Will Creation: Ensuring family provision after death.
Living Trust: Asset protection and probate avoidance.
Grandparent Visitation Petition: Court-ordered visitation rights.
Step-Parent Adoption Petition: Adoption by a step-parent.
Surrogacy Agreement: Arrangements for intended parents and surrogates.
Estate Planning: Protecting family's financial future.
Letter of Intent: Ensuring fulfillment of incapacitated family member’s wishes.
Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare: Inclusion elements.
Conservatorship Agreement: Standard clauses.
Family Limited Partnership: Essential elements.
Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO): Typical terms.
Intestate Succession Plan: Recommended provisions.
Declaration of Paternity: Template.
Post-Adoption Contact Agreement: Drafting errors to avoid.
Pre-Adoption Home Study: For prospective adoptive parents.
Name Change Petition: Legal name change process.
Marital Property Agreement: Defining separate/shared assets.
Temporary Custody Order: Temporary guardianship arrangements.
Affidavit of Support: Immigration sponsorship.
Restraining Order Petition: Protection from domestic violence.
Dependency and Neglect Petition: Reporting child abuse/neglect.
Family Care Plan: For military families.
Relinquishment of Parental Rights: Standard clauses.
Termination of Parental Rights Petition: Necessary elements.
Special Needs Trust: Typical terms.
Mediation Agreement: Family law dispute resolution.
Stipulation and Order to Modify Child Support: Template.
Collaborative Divorce Agreement: Common drafting mistakes.
No-Contest Clause: In wills to discourage challenges.
Emancipation Petition: Legal independence for minors.
Temporary Restraining Order: Immediate protection needs.
QTIP Trust: Provisions for spouse and previous marriage children.
Guardian ad Litem Appointment: For children in family disputes.
Voluntary Relinquishment of Parental Rights Affidavit.
Non-Paternity Affidavit: Disproving paternity.
Standby Guardianship Designation: Elements.
Child Relocation Agreement: Standard clauses.
Legal Separation Agreement: Necessary elements.
Family Law Arbitration Agreement: Typical terms.
Declaration of Disclosure: In family law cases.
Child Custody Dispute Order to Show Cause: Template.
Family Law Settlement Agreement: Drafting mistakes to avoid.
ChatGPT Prompts for Personal Injury Lawyers:
Drafting Legal Documents:
Demand Letter: For a slip and fall case.
Settlement Agreement: Multi-party car accident case.
Complaint: Medical malpractice lawsuit.
Motion for Summary Judgment: Defective product case.
Response to Motion to Dismiss: Premises liability case.
Deposition Outline: Car accident involving a commercial truck.
Retainer Agreement: Client with a traumatic brain injury.
Motion to Compel Discovery: Against a large corporation.
Release of All Claims: Personal injury settlement.
Arbitration Agreement: Personal injury case.
Wrongful Death Claim: Necessary elements.
Contingent Fee Agreement: Drug possession case plea bargain.
Mediation Agreement: Personal injury dispute.
Interrogatory Template: Personal injury case.
Personal Injury Complaint: Common drafting mistakes.
Counterclaim: Comparative negligence case.
Request for Production of Documents: Bicycle accident case.
Pre-Litigation Demand Letter: Public transportation accident.
Class Certification Motion: Mass tort personal injury case.
Admission Request: Personal injury case.
Joint Venture Agreement: Multiple law firms in a personal injury case.
Causation in Toxic Exposure Case: Necessary elements.
Third-Party Liability Claim: Terms for personal injury case.
Choice of Law Clause: Personal injury contract.
Expert Witness Report Template: Personal injury case.
Summary Judgment Motion: Common mistakes in personal injury cases.
Defendant's Answer Reply: Defective medical device case.
Appeal Notice: Denied workers' compensation claim.
Summary Judgment Opposition: Construction accident case.
Sanctions Motion: Evidence spoliation in a personal injury case.
Protective Order: Personal injury case.
Co-Counsel Agreement: Multi-district personal injury litigation.
Gross Negligence Proof: Personal injury case.
Subrogation Agreement: Personal injury case.
Forum Selection Clause: Personal injury contract.
Case Management Plan Template: Personal injury case.
Personal Injury Appeal Brief: Common drafting mistakes.
Minor's Settlement Petition: Personal injury case.
Interrogatory Request: Pedestrian accident case.
Defendant's Counterclaim Response: Assault and battery case.
Expert Testimony Exclusion Motion: Questionable expert witness in a personal injury case.
Litigation Hold Letter: Personal injury case.
Fee-Sharing Agreement: Multiple attorneys in a personal injury case.
Vicarious Liability Proof: Personal injury case.
Lien Resolution Agreement: Personal injury case.
Severance Agreement: Multiple defendants in a personal injury case.
Jury Selection Questionnaire Template: Personal injury trial.
Personal Injury Mediation Brief: Common mistakes.
Document Production Request Response: Defective product case.
Prejudicial Evidence Exclusion Motion: Personal injury trial.
Government Entity Motion to Dismiss Opposition: Personal injury case.
Insurance Company Representation Letter: Motor vehicle accident client.
Case Status Update Letter: Personal injury client.
Referral Agreement: Out-of-state attorney in a personal injury case.
Emotional Distress Proof: Personal injury case.
Personal Injury Attorney's Contingency Fee Agreement: Terms.
Settlement Negotiation Strategy: Provisions for a personal injury case.
Trial Exhibit List Template: Personal injury trial.
Personal Injury Closing Argument: Common drafting mistakes.
ChatGPT Prompts for Employment and Labor Lawyers:
Document Drafting for Employment and Labor Law:
Non-disclosure Agreement: For new employees.
Termination Letter: Employee dismissal.
Workplace Harassment Policy: For small businesses.
Collective Bargaining Agreement: Between labor unions and companies.
Severance Agreement: Essential components.
Employment Contract: Standard clauses.
Workplace Safety Policy: Necessary elements.
Independent Contractor Agreement: Typical terms.
Non-compete Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Workplace Accommodation Request Letter: Template.
Whistleblower Policy: Common mistakes in drafting.
Family and Medical Leave Policy: For companies.
Wage and Hour Compliance Policy: For organizations.
Social Media Policy: For corporate employees.
Employee Handbook: For startups.
Workers' Compensation Policy: Standard clauses.
Confidentiality Agreement: For company mergers.
Employment Discrimination Case Settlement Agreement.
ADA Reasonable Accommodation Policy: Elements.
Executive Employment Agreement: Typical terms.
Workplace Drug and Alcohol Policy: Recommended provisions.
ADA Accommodation Request Template.
Diversity and Inclusion Policy: Drafting mistakes to avoid.
Workplace Violence Prevention Policy: For retail businesses.
Telecommuting Policy: For remote work environments.
Disciplinary Action Policy: For companies.
Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Program.
Arbitration Agreement: Employment context.
Performance Improvement Plan: For underperforming employees.
Labor Union Grievance Procedure.
Anti-discrimination Policy: Effective elements.
Temporary Employment Agreement: Typical terms.
Employee Stock Option Plan: Recommended provisions.
Employee Warning Notice Template.
Health and Wellness Program: Drafting mistakes to avoid.
Equal Employment Opportunity Policy: For medium-sized businesses.
Vacation and Paid Time Off Policy: For companies.
Conflict of Interest Policy: For non-profits.
Code of Conduct: For professional associations.
Trade Secret Protection Agreement: Standard clauses.
Layoff Notice: For company restructuring.
Retaliation Prevention Policy: For organizations.
Progressive Discipline Policy: Necessary elements.
Severance Pay Agreement: Typical terms.
Workplace Dress Code Policy: Recommended provisions.
Employee Performance Evaluation Template.
Wage Garnishment Policy: Drafting mistakes to avoid.
Workplace Privacy Policy: For technology companies.
Pension Plan Policy: For large corporations.
Overtime Policy: For manufacturing businesses.
Workplace Investigation Procedure.
Employee Intellectual Property Agreement: Standard clauses.
Reasonable Accommodation Denial Letter: For employers.
Workplace Safety Training Program: For construction companies.
Workplace Lactation Policy: Necessary elements.
Flexible Work Arrangement Policy: Typical terms.
Workplace Ethics Policy: Recommended provisions.
Employee Termination Checklist Template.
Workplace Emergency Preparedness Plan: Common mistakes.
ChatGPT Prompts for Immigration Lawyers:
Document Drafting and Legal Support in Immigration Law:
Memorandum of Understanding: For families seeking asylum.
Visa Application: Employment-based immigration.
Evidence Response: For H-1B visa applicants.
Waiver Application: Overcoming inadmissibility.
Marriage-Based Green Card Application: Key inclusions.
EB-5 Investor Visa Petition: Standard clauses.
U Visa Application: Necessary elements for success.
Labor Condition Application: Typical terms.
O-1 Visa Application: Recommended provisions.
Naturalization Application Template.
K-1 Fiancé(e) Visa Application: Common mistakes to avoid.
VAWA Self-Petitioner Support Letter.
DACA Recipient Status Adjustment Application.
Hardship Waiver: For deportation cases.
Asylum Application: Fleeing persecution.
E-2 Treaty Investor Visa Application.
L-1 Visa Application: Intra-company transferee.
I-601A Provisional Waiver Application.
I-130 Immigrant Visa Petition: Family-based.
T Visa Application: Human trafficking victims.
Consular Processing Application Template.
Affidavit of Support: Drafting errors to avoid.
Legal Brief: Immigration court hearing.
Removal Cancellation: Non-permanent resident.
Parole in Place Application: Military family members.
Motion to Reopen: Removal order cases.
H-2A Visa Application: Agricultural workers.
H-2B Visa Application: Non-agricultural workers.
I-212 Reapplication Permission: After deportation.
I-751 Petition: Removing conditions on residence.
J-1 Waiver Application: For exchange visitors.
I-539 Application: Change/extend non-immigrant status.
G-28 Notice of Entry: Attorney or accredited representative.
New Immigration Law Impact Analysis.
Notice of Intent to Deny Response: Immigration benefits.
Employment Authorization Document Application Cover Letter.
Immigration Court Continuance Request.
TN NAFTA Visa Application: Professionals.
R-1 Visa Application: Religious workers.
I-824 Application: Action on approved application/petition.
I-765 Employment Authorization Application.
I-360 Petition: Amerasian, Widow(er), Special Immigrant.
B-1/B-2 Visitor Visa Application Template.
I-131 Travel Document Application: Common mistakes.
ChatGPT Prompts for Business Lawyers:
Document Drafting in Business Law:
Non-Disclosure Agreement: For startups seeking investment.
Shareholder Agreement: For family-owned businesses.
Cease and Desist Letter: Trademark infringement cases.
Sales Agreement: Business product sales to a distributor.
Lease Agreement: Commercial property.
Partnership Agreement: Essential clauses.
Licensing Agreement: Key elements.
Franchise Agreement: Typical terms.
Employment Contract: Recommended provisions.
Promissory Note Template.
Power of Attorney: Common drafting mistakes.
Service Agreement: Freelance web developer.
Joint Venture Agreement: Collaborative projects.
Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement: Software companies.
Privacy Policy: E-commerce website.
Terms of Use Agreement: Online platforms.
Loan Agreement: Standard clauses.
Sponsorship Agreement: Necessary elements.
Settlement Agreement: Typical terms.
Contractor Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Buy-Sell Agreement Template.
Confidentiality Agreement: Common mistakes to avoid.
Release of Liability Waiver: Sports events.
Software Development Agreement: Mobile apps.
Property Management Agreement: Rental properties.
Merger Agreement: Competing companies.
Consulting Agreement: Business consultants.
Independent Contractor Agreement: Standard clauses.
Prenuptial Agreement: Necessary elements.
Severance Agreement: Typical terms.
Distribution Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Letter of Intent: Business acquisitions.
Non-Compete Agreement: Drafting mistakes.
Asset Purchase Agreement: Business acquisitions.
Stock Purchase Agreement: Company buyouts.
Warranty Agreement: Product manufacturers.
Commercial Lease Termination Agreement: Tenants vacating.
Real Estate Purchase Agreement: Inclusions.
Mortgage Agreement: Standard clauses.
Security Agreement: Necessary elements.
Operating Agreement: LLCs.
Supply Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Licensing Agreement: Patented inventions.
Subscription Agreement: Common mistakes.
Co-Founder Agreement: Technology startups.
Manufacturing Agreement: Product companies.
Reseller Agreement: Software companies.
Collaboration Agreement: Artists' projects.
Custody Agreement: Divorcing parents.
Trust Agreement: Standard clauses.
Will and Testament: Necessary elements.
Escrow Agreement: Typical terms.
Master Services Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Freelance Writer Agreement Template.
Website Development Agreement: Common mistakes.
Indemnity Agreement: Construction projects.
Memorandum of Understanding: Nonprofit organizations.
Retainer Agreement: Law firms.
Construction Contract: Residential properties.
Royalty Agreement: Book authors.
Change of Control Agreement: Standard clauses.
Debt Settlement Agreement: Necessary elements.
Pledge Agreement: Typical terms.
Advertising Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Domain Name Purchase Agreement Template.
Commercial Sublease Agreement: Common mistakes.
ChatGPT Prompts for Tax Lawyers:
Memorandum of Understanding: For joint ventures.
Non-disclosure Agreement: Software development company and freelancer.
Partnership Agreement: New law firm.
Will and Testament: Client drafting.
Commercial Lease Agreement: Essential elements.
Power of Attorney: Standard clauses.
Prenuptial Agreement: Key elements.
Employment Contract: Typical terms.
Shareholder Agreement: Essential provisions.
Promissory Note Template.
Service Level Agreement: Drafting errors to avoid.
Property Purchase Agreement: Residential transactions.
Software License Agreement: SaaS company and customers.
Living Trust: Client planning.
Cease and Desist Letter: Trademark infringement.
General Release of Liability.
Consulting Agreement: Standard clauses.
Warranty Deed: Essential elements.
Franchise Agreement: Typical terms.
Construction Contract: Recommended provisions.
Loan Agreement Template.
Non-compete Agreement: Common mistakes.
Separation Agreement: Divorcing couples.
Licensing Agreement: Patent holders and manufacturers.
Bylaws: Non-profit organizations.
Letter of Intent: Business acquisitions.
Bill of Sale: Vehicle transactions.
Independent Contractor Agreement: Standard clauses.
Quitclaim Deed: Essential elements.
Sublease Agreement: Typical terms.
Settlement Agreement: Essential provisions.
Confidentiality Agreement Template.
Merger Agreement: Drafting errors.
Stock Purchase Agreement: Business shares.
Sponsorship Agreement: Sports teams and corporates.
Terms of Service: E-commerce websites.
Privacy Policy: Mobile apps.
Letter of Demand: Unpaid invoices.
Distribution Agreement: Standard clauses.
Personal Guarantee: Essential elements.
Management Agreement: Typical terms.
Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement: Key provisions.
Sales Agreement Template.
Buy-Sell Agreement: Common mistakes.
Option Agreement: Real estate purchases.
Master Services Agreement: Marketing agencies and clients.
Retainer Agreement: Law firms.
Deed of Trust: Real estate transactions.
Affidavit of Support.
Manufacturing Agreement: Standard clauses.
Hold Harmless Agreement: Necessary elements.
Software Development Agreement: Typical terms.
Joint Venture Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Operating Agreement: LLCs.
Professional Services Agreement: Drafting errors.
Guardianship Agreement: Minor children.
Mediation Agreement: Dispute resolution.
Collective Bargaining Agreement: Employers and labor unions.
Donation Agreement: Charitable organizations.
Indemnification Agreement.
Work-for-Hire Agreement: Standard clauses.
Real Estate Purchase Contract: Essential elements.
Convertible Note Agreement: Typical terms.
Royalty Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Debt Settlement Agreement Template.
Asset Purchase Agreement: Drafting errors.
ChatGPT Prompts for Real Estate Lawyers:
Residential Lease Agreement: Landlords and tenants.
Purchase Agreement: Buyers and sellers.
Easement Agreement: Property owners and neighbors.
Commercial Lease Agreement: Corporations.
Deed of Trust: Key elements.
Land Installment Contract: Standard clauses.
Mortgage Agreement: Essential elements.
Property Management Agreement: Typical terms.
Real Estate Option Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Joint Venture Agreement: Real estate development.
Quitclaim Deed: Drafting mistakes.
Notice to Vacate: Landlords and tenants.
Real Estate Partnership Agreement: Investors.
Rent-to-Own Agreement: Property owners and buyers.
Letter of Intent: Commercial property purchases.
Right of First Refusal Agreement.
Construction Contract: Standard clauses.
Landlord's Lien Waiver.
Tenant Estoppel Certificate: Typical terms.
Sublease Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Real Estate Development Agreement Template.
Promissory Note: Real property security.
Homeowners Association Bylaws.
Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions Declaration.
Zoning Variance Request.
Title Opinion: Real estate attorneys.
Ground Lease Agreement.
Real Estate Commission Agreement: Standard clauses.
Non-Disclosure Agreement: Real estate.
Real Estate Confidentiality Agreement: Typical terms.
Indemnity Agreement: Real estate.
Co-Brokerage Agreement: Real estate.
Assignment Agreement: Real estate.
Warranty Deed: Residential property.
Land Contract: Property owners and buyers.
Boundary Line Agreement: Adjoining property owners.
Notice of Lis Pendens.
Lease Termination Agreement.
Lease Extension Agreement: Standard clauses.
Lease Amendment: Necessary elements.
Lease Guaranty.
Subordination Agreement: Lease terms.
Lease Assignment Agreement.
Lease Option Agreement: Drafting errors.
Letter of Intent to Lease.
Broker's Opinion of Value.
Letter of Intent to Sell.
Real Estate Closing Statement.
Escrow Agreement.
Real Estate Sales Contract: Standard clauses.
Tax Indemnity Agreement: Real estate.
Co-Ownership Agreement: Real estate.
Power of Attorney: Real estate.
Offer and Acceptance Agreement: Real estate.
Purchase and Sale Agreement: Drafting mistakes.
Letter of Intent to Purchase.
Contingency Agreement: Real estate.
Disclosure Statement: Property sellers.
Hold Harmless Agreement: Real estate agents.
Finders Fee Agreement: Real estate.
Investment Agreement: Real estate.
Syndication Agreement: Real estate.
Referral Agreement: Real estate.
Commission Dispute Resolution Agreement: Real estate.
Brokerage Representation Agreement: Real estate.
Marketing Agreement: Real estate.
ChatGPT Prompts for Intellectual Property (IP) Lawyers:
Patent Application: New inventions.
Trademark Registration Application: Company logos.
Copyright Infringement Cease and Desist Letter.
Software Licensing Agreement: Tech companies.
Non-Disclosure Agreement: Key elements.
Trade Secret License Agreement: Standard clauses.
Work-for-Hire Agreement: Essential elements.
IP Assignment Agreement: Typical terms.
Joint Development Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Patent License Agreement Template.
Trademark Coexistence Agreement: Common mistakes.
Design Patent Application: Unique designs.
Domain Name Purchase Agreement.
Patent Infringement Response Letter.
Copyright Takedown Notice: Photography websites.
Music Licensing Agreement.
Royalty Agreement: Standard clauses.
Trademark License Agreement: Essential elements.
Technology Transfer Agreement: Typical terms.
Software Development Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Merchandising Agreement Template.
IP Indemnification Clause: Drafting errors.
Plant Variety Protection Application.
Moral Rights Waiver Agreement: Artists' work.
Patent Invalidity Opinion Letter.
Trademark Opposition Filing.
Book Publishing Agreement.
Content Licensing Agreement: Standard clauses.
Patent Co-Ownership Agreement: Necessary elements.
Software Escrow Agreement: Typical terms.
Data Sharing Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Copyright Transfer Agreement Template.
Invention Disclosure Form: Common mistakes.
Utility Model Application: Technical innovations.
Research Collaboration Agreement: Universities and companies.
Freedom to Operate Opinion Letter.
Copyright Fair Use Analysis: Documentary filmmakers.
Film Production Agreement.
Patent Litigation Settlement: Standard clauses.
Trademark Maintenance and Renewal Agreement: Essential elements.
Multimedia Licensing Agreement: Typical terms.
Open-Source Software License: Recommended provisions.
IP Due Diligence Report Template.
Confidentiality Clause: IP agreements.
Geographic Indication Registration Application.
Inter Partes Review Petition: Patent challenges.
IP Valuation Report: Company acquisitions.
Trademark Cancellation Petition.
Patent Pooling Agreement.
Cross-Licensing Agreement: Standard clauses.
Software Maintenance and Support Agreement: Essential elements.
IP Pledge Agreement: Typical terms.
Database Rights Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Cease and Desist Response Letter: IP disputes.
IP Audit Plan: Common mistakes.
ChatGPT Prompts for Criminal Defense Lawyers:
Motion to Suppress Evidence: Illegal search and seizure cases.
Affidavit: Client's self-defense claim.
Memorandum of Law: Criminal defense motions.
Plea Agreement: Non-violent crime charges.
Pretrial Discovery Request.
Criminal Defense Retainer Agreement: Standard clauses.
Motion to Dismiss: Speedy trial rights violation.
Plea Bargain: Drug possession case.
Criminal Defense Attorney's Closing Argument: Provisions.
Criminal Defense Opening Statement Template.
Motion for New Trial: Drafting errors.
Motion in Limine: Prejudicial evidence exclusion.
Sentencing Memorandum: White-collar crime conviction.
Post-Conviction Relief Petition: Ineffective counsel claims.
Charge Reduction Request Letter: First-time offenders.
Bail Reduction Motion: Client's declaration.
Criminal Defense Witness Subpoena.
Habeas Corpus Writ.
Expungement Request: Typical terms.
Jury Instruction: Reasonable doubt.
Appeal Notice: Criminal cases.
Guilty Plea Set Aside Motion: Common mistakes.
Judgment of Acquittal Motion: Post-guilty verdict.
Defense Strategy Letter: Client communication.
Venue Change Motion: Pretrial publicity.
Bill of Particulars Request: Charge clarification.
Judge Recusal Motion: Bias.
Fee Agreement: Criminal defense attorney.
Prior Conviction Strike Motion.
Diversion Program Agreement: Terms.
Jury Instruction: Presumption of innocence.
Clemency Petition Template.
Expert Witness Appointment Motion: Common mistakes.
Sever Charges Motion: Multiple counts.
Exculpatory Evidence Production Request: Brady rule.
Improper Arrest Warrant Quash Motion.
Evidence Admission Opposition: Prosecution's motion.
Juror Bias Disqualification Motion.
Engagement Letter: Criminal defense attorney.
Coerced Confession Suppression Motion.
Deferred Prosecution Agreement: Terms.
Jury Instruction: Burden of proof.
Alibi Defense Notice Template.
Plea Agreement Enforcement Motion: Common mistakes.
Mistrial Motion: Juror misconduct.
Pretrial Hearing Response: Prosecution's motion.
Discovery Compulsion Motion: Prosecution.
Post-Conviction DNA Testing Petition.
Search Warrant Legality Challenge Motion.
Conflict of Interest Waiver: Criminal defense attorney.
Prosecutorial Misconduct Dismissal Motion.
House Arrest/Electronic Monitoring Agreement: Terms.
Jury Instruction: Eyewitness testimony.
Expert Testimony Introduction Notice Template.
Prior Conviction Admissibility Challenge Motion.
Check it out with AI Lawyer

As technology continues to transform the legal industry, chatbots have become increasingly popular in assisting lawyers with their work. Advogado de IA platform can help attorneys conduct legal research, provide legal help, and even assist with administrative tasks. However, to make it even easier and faster, we have prepared for you the largest list of AI Lawyer prompts for AI chats:
Prompts for Legal Research
Latest developments in [legal area].
Examples of [legal case/issue].
Relevant laws/regulations for [legal issue].
History of [legal case/issue].
Legal definition of [term/phrase].
Legal precedent for [legal case/issue].
Pros and cons of [legal argument/position].
Standard for [legal issue] in [jurisdiction].
Key legal arguments in [legal case/issue].
Summary of [case name].
Summarize [contract].
Statute of limitations for [type of case] in [state/jurisdiction].
Steps in [legal process/procedure].
Significance of [case name].
Elements of [legal claim/action].
Main defenses to [legal claim/action].
Burden of proof in [type of case].
Impact of [legal case/issue] on [industry/area of law].
Consequences/penalties for [legal violation].
Overview of [legal issue] in international law.
Compare [legal concept] in different jurisdictions.
Role of [legal principle/concept] in [area of law].
Key cases/legal authorities on [legal issue].
Concept of [legal term] relevance to [area of law].
Ethical considerations in [legal issue/situation].
Role of [legal professional/organization] in [system/process].
Implications of legal reforms on [area of law].
Upcoming changes in [legal area].
Potential impact of [legal issue] on [group/community].
Recent court decisions' effect on [legal principle/concept].
Relationship between [legal issue] and [policy/social issue].
Implications of [case/issue] on future cases/legislation.
Factors courts consider interpreting [legal provision/statute].
How [case/issue] affected [industry/sector].
Role of [government agency] in enforcing [regulation/requirement].
Differences between [types of law].
Evolution of [legal principle/concept].
Various forms of [legal entity/structure].
Primary sources of law for [issue/area of law].
Role of [legal document] in [process/transaction].
Importance of [principle/concept] in justice/fairness.
Relationship between [legal issue] and [constitutional principle].
Potential remedies for [legal harm/violation].
Legal basis for [government action/regulation].
Challenges/limitations of [legal approach/solution].
Relation of [case/issue] to [similar case/issue].
Examples of landmark cases in [area of law].
Application of [legal concept] in [situation/scenario].
Requirements for [legal action/procedure].
Effectiveness of [policy/regulation] addressing [issue/problem].
Role of [principle/concept] in promoting [interest/goal].
Rationale behind [legal rule/doctrine].
Factors courts consider in determining [issue/outcome].
Influence of [case/issue] on [opinion/debate].
Reception/criticism of [case/issue] by scholars/professionals.
Role of [legal institution/body] in [system/process].
Court hierarchy in [jurisdiction].
Elements of [legal theory/approach].
Impact of [case/issue] on [constitutional principle].
Challenges/controversies around [legal issue].
Law's address to [emerging issue/technology].
Role of [principle] in balancing interests/rights.
Key legal considerations in [business transaction/relationship].
Importance of [issue] in protecting [right/value].
ChatGPT Prompts for Drafting Legal Documents
Sales Agreement for vehicle ownership transfer.
Non-Disclosure Agreement for startup/investor.
Cease and Desist Letter for copyright infringement.
Last Will and Testament for John Doe.
Components of a Partnership Agreement.
Standard clauses for Lease Agreement.
Elements of an Employment Contract.
Terms for Prenuptial Agreement.
Provisions for Licensing Agreement.
Template for Power of Attorney.
Common mistakes in Commercial Lease Agreement.
Shareholders Agreement for a corporation.
Separation Agreement for divorcing couple.
Promissory Note for a loan between friends.
Privacy Policy for e-commerce website.
Inclusions for Freelance Services Agreement.
Clauses for Independent Contractor Agreement.
Elements for Non-Compete Agreement.
Terms for Joint Venture Agreement.
Provisions for Personal Loan Agreement.
Template for General Release of Liability.
Mistakes to avoid in Settlement Agreement.
Guardianship Agreement for a minor.
Deed of Trust for real estate transaction.
Warranty Deed for property sale.
Buy-Sell Agreement for business partnership.
Inclusions in LLC Operating Agreement.
Clauses for Share Purchase Agreement.
Elements for IP Assignment Agreement.
Terms for Franchise Agreement.
Provisions for Distribution Agreement.
Template for Letter of Intent (business acquisition).
Mistakes to avoid in Service Level Agreement (SLA).
Stock Option Plan for a startup.
Consent to Assignment of Lease for tenant.
Construction Contract for residential project.
Hold Harmless Agreement for contractor.
Clauses for Software Development Agreement.
Elements for Commercial Sublease Agreement.
Terms for Co-Founder Agreement.
Provisions for Consulting Agreement.
Template for Demand Letter (breach of contract).
Mistakes to avoid in Merger Agreement.
Real Estate Purchase Agreement for residential property.
Sponsorship Agreement for charity event.
MOU for collaboration between organizations.
Confidentiality Agreement for product inventor.
Proxy Agreement for shareholder meeting.
Clauses for Manufacturing Agreement.
Elements for Supply Agreement.
Terms for Website Terms of Service.
Provisions for Waiver of Liability.
Template for Affidavit of Identity.
Mistakes to avoid in Rental Agreement.
Inclusions in Security Agreement for secured loan.
ChatGPT Prompts for Family Lawyers:
Drafting Agreements:
Prenuptial Agreement: For engaged couples to protect assets.
Child Custody Agreement: For divorcing parents.
Postnuptial Agreement: Modifying marital property rights for spouses.
Parenting Plan: Outlining co-parenting responsibilities for separated parents.
Property Settlement Agreement: Dividing assets and debts for a divorcing couple.
Spousal Support Agreement: Considerations for a couple contemplating divorce.
Visitation Schedule: For non-custodial parents.
Adoption Agreement: For families looking to adopt.
Guardianship Agreement: For grandparents seeking legal guardianship of grandchildren.
Paternity Petition: For fathers establishing legal rights.
Legal Templates and Clauses:
Marital Settlement Agreement: Key components.
Child Support Agreement: Standard clauses.
Decree of Dissolution of Marriage: Necessary elements.
Mediated Divorce Agreement: Typical terms.
Cohabitation Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Parenting Time Modification: Template.
Separation Agreement: Common drafting mistakes to avoid.
Domestic Partnership Agreement: For unmarried couples establishing legal rights.
Specific Family Law Document Drafting:
Power of Attorney: For family decision-making.
Will Creation: Ensuring family provision after death.
Living Trust: Asset protection and probate avoidance.
Grandparent Visitation Petition: Court-ordered visitation rights.
Step-Parent Adoption Petition: Adoption by a step-parent.
Surrogacy Agreement: Arrangements for intended parents and surrogates.
Estate Planning: Protecting family's financial future.
Letter of Intent: Ensuring fulfillment of incapacitated family member’s wishes.
Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare: Inclusion elements.
Conservatorship Agreement: Standard clauses.
Family Limited Partnership: Essential elements.
Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO): Typical terms.
Intestate Succession Plan: Recommended provisions.
Declaration of Paternity: Template.
Post-Adoption Contact Agreement: Drafting errors to avoid.
Pre-Adoption Home Study: For prospective adoptive parents.
Name Change Petition: Legal name change process.
Marital Property Agreement: Defining separate/shared assets.
Temporary Custody Order: Temporary guardianship arrangements.
Affidavit of Support: Immigration sponsorship.
Restraining Order Petition: Protection from domestic violence.
Dependency and Neglect Petition: Reporting child abuse/neglect.
Family Care Plan: For military families.
Relinquishment of Parental Rights: Standard clauses.
Termination of Parental Rights Petition: Necessary elements.
Special Needs Trust: Typical terms.
Mediation Agreement: Family law dispute resolution.
Stipulation and Order to Modify Child Support: Template.
Collaborative Divorce Agreement: Common drafting mistakes.
No-Contest Clause: In wills to discourage challenges.
Emancipation Petition: Legal independence for minors.
Temporary Restraining Order: Immediate protection needs.
QTIP Trust: Provisions for spouse and previous marriage children.
Guardian ad Litem Appointment: For children in family disputes.
Voluntary Relinquishment of Parental Rights Affidavit.
Non-Paternity Affidavit: Disproving paternity.
Standby Guardianship Designation: Elements.
Child Relocation Agreement: Standard clauses.
Legal Separation Agreement: Necessary elements.
Family Law Arbitration Agreement: Typical terms.
Declaration of Disclosure: In family law cases.
Child Custody Dispute Order to Show Cause: Template.
Family Law Settlement Agreement: Drafting mistakes to avoid.
ChatGPT Prompts for Personal Injury Lawyers:
Drafting Legal Documents:
Demand Letter: For a slip and fall case.
Settlement Agreement: Multi-party car accident case.
Complaint: Medical malpractice lawsuit.
Motion for Summary Judgment: Defective product case.
Response to Motion to Dismiss: Premises liability case.
Deposition Outline: Car accident involving a commercial truck.
Retainer Agreement: Client with a traumatic brain injury.
Motion to Compel Discovery: Against a large corporation.
Release of All Claims: Personal injury settlement.
Arbitration Agreement: Personal injury case.
Wrongful Death Claim: Necessary elements.
Contingent Fee Agreement: Drug possession case plea bargain.
Mediation Agreement: Personal injury dispute.
Interrogatory Template: Personal injury case.
Personal Injury Complaint: Common drafting mistakes.
Counterclaim: Comparative negligence case.
Request for Production of Documents: Bicycle accident case.
Pre-Litigation Demand Letter: Public transportation accident.
Class Certification Motion: Mass tort personal injury case.
Admission Request: Personal injury case.
Joint Venture Agreement: Multiple law firms in a personal injury case.
Causation in Toxic Exposure Case: Necessary elements.
Third-Party Liability Claim: Terms for personal injury case.
Choice of Law Clause: Personal injury contract.
Expert Witness Report Template: Personal injury case.
Summary Judgment Motion: Common mistakes in personal injury cases.
Defendant's Answer Reply: Defective medical device case.
Appeal Notice: Denied workers' compensation claim.
Summary Judgment Opposition: Construction accident case.
Sanctions Motion: Evidence spoliation in a personal injury case.
Protective Order: Personal injury case.
Co-Counsel Agreement: Multi-district personal injury litigation.
Gross Negligence Proof: Personal injury case.
Subrogation Agreement: Personal injury case.
Forum Selection Clause: Personal injury contract.
Case Management Plan Template: Personal injury case.
Personal Injury Appeal Brief: Common drafting mistakes.
Minor's Settlement Petition: Personal injury case.
Interrogatory Request: Pedestrian accident case.
Defendant's Counterclaim Response: Assault and battery case.
Expert Testimony Exclusion Motion: Questionable expert witness in a personal injury case.
Litigation Hold Letter: Personal injury case.
Fee-Sharing Agreement: Multiple attorneys in a personal injury case.
Vicarious Liability Proof: Personal injury case.
Lien Resolution Agreement: Personal injury case.
Severance Agreement: Multiple defendants in a personal injury case.
Jury Selection Questionnaire Template: Personal injury trial.
Personal Injury Mediation Brief: Common mistakes.
Document Production Request Response: Defective product case.
Prejudicial Evidence Exclusion Motion: Personal injury trial.
Government Entity Motion to Dismiss Opposition: Personal injury case.
Insurance Company Representation Letter: Motor vehicle accident client.
Case Status Update Letter: Personal injury client.
Referral Agreement: Out-of-state attorney in a personal injury case.
Emotional Distress Proof: Personal injury case.
Personal Injury Attorney's Contingency Fee Agreement: Terms.
Settlement Negotiation Strategy: Provisions for a personal injury case.
Trial Exhibit List Template: Personal injury trial.
Personal Injury Closing Argument: Common drafting mistakes.
ChatGPT Prompts for Employment and Labor Lawyers:
Document Drafting for Employment and Labor Law:
Non-disclosure Agreement: For new employees.
Termination Letter: Employee dismissal.
Workplace Harassment Policy: For small businesses.
Collective Bargaining Agreement: Between labor unions and companies.
Severance Agreement: Essential components.
Employment Contract: Standard clauses.
Workplace Safety Policy: Necessary elements.
Independent Contractor Agreement: Typical terms.
Non-compete Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Workplace Accommodation Request Letter: Template.
Whistleblower Policy: Common mistakes in drafting.
Family and Medical Leave Policy: For companies.
Wage and Hour Compliance Policy: For organizations.
Social Media Policy: For corporate employees.
Employee Handbook: For startups.
Workers' Compensation Policy: Standard clauses.
Confidentiality Agreement: For company mergers.
Employment Discrimination Case Settlement Agreement.
ADA Reasonable Accommodation Policy: Elements.
Executive Employment Agreement: Typical terms.
Workplace Drug and Alcohol Policy: Recommended provisions.
ADA Accommodation Request Template.
Diversity and Inclusion Policy: Drafting mistakes to avoid.
Workplace Violence Prevention Policy: For retail businesses.
Telecommuting Policy: For remote work environments.
Disciplinary Action Policy: For companies.
Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Program.
Arbitration Agreement: Employment context.
Performance Improvement Plan: For underperforming employees.
Labor Union Grievance Procedure.
Anti-discrimination Policy: Effective elements.
Temporary Employment Agreement: Typical terms.
Employee Stock Option Plan: Recommended provisions.
Employee Warning Notice Template.
Health and Wellness Program: Drafting mistakes to avoid.
Equal Employment Opportunity Policy: For medium-sized businesses.
Vacation and Paid Time Off Policy: For companies.
Conflict of Interest Policy: For non-profits.
Code of Conduct: For professional associations.
Trade Secret Protection Agreement: Standard clauses.
Layoff Notice: For company restructuring.
Retaliation Prevention Policy: For organizations.
Progressive Discipline Policy: Necessary elements.
Severance Pay Agreement: Typical terms.
Workplace Dress Code Policy: Recommended provisions.
Employee Performance Evaluation Template.
Wage Garnishment Policy: Drafting mistakes to avoid.
Workplace Privacy Policy: For technology companies.
Pension Plan Policy: For large corporations.
Overtime Policy: For manufacturing businesses.
Workplace Investigation Procedure.
Employee Intellectual Property Agreement: Standard clauses.
Reasonable Accommodation Denial Letter: For employers.
Workplace Safety Training Program: For construction companies.
Workplace Lactation Policy: Necessary elements.
Flexible Work Arrangement Policy: Typical terms.
Workplace Ethics Policy: Recommended provisions.
Employee Termination Checklist Template.
Workplace Emergency Preparedness Plan: Common mistakes.
ChatGPT Prompts for Immigration Lawyers:
Document Drafting and Legal Support in Immigration Law:
Memorandum of Understanding: For families seeking asylum.
Visa Application: Employment-based immigration.
Evidence Response: For H-1B visa applicants.
Waiver Application: Overcoming inadmissibility.
Marriage-Based Green Card Application: Key inclusions.
EB-5 Investor Visa Petition: Standard clauses.
U Visa Application: Necessary elements for success.
Labor Condition Application: Typical terms.
O-1 Visa Application: Recommended provisions.
Naturalization Application Template.
K-1 Fiancé(e) Visa Application: Common mistakes to avoid.
VAWA Self-Petitioner Support Letter.
DACA Recipient Status Adjustment Application.
Hardship Waiver: For deportation cases.
Asylum Application: Fleeing persecution.
E-2 Treaty Investor Visa Application.
L-1 Visa Application: Intra-company transferee.
I-601A Provisional Waiver Application.
I-130 Immigrant Visa Petition: Family-based.
T Visa Application: Human trafficking victims.
Consular Processing Application Template.
Affidavit of Support: Drafting errors to avoid.
Legal Brief: Immigration court hearing.
Removal Cancellation: Non-permanent resident.
Parole in Place Application: Military family members.
Motion to Reopen: Removal order cases.
H-2A Visa Application: Agricultural workers.
H-2B Visa Application: Non-agricultural workers.
I-212 Reapplication Permission: After deportation.
I-751 Petition: Removing conditions on residence.
J-1 Waiver Application: For exchange visitors.
I-539 Application: Change/extend non-immigrant status.
G-28 Notice of Entry: Attorney or accredited representative.
New Immigration Law Impact Analysis.
Notice of Intent to Deny Response: Immigration benefits.
Employment Authorization Document Application Cover Letter.
Immigration Court Continuance Request.
TN NAFTA Visa Application: Professionals.
R-1 Visa Application: Religious workers.
I-824 Application: Action on approved application/petition.
I-765 Employment Authorization Application.
I-360 Petition: Amerasian, Widow(er), Special Immigrant.
B-1/B-2 Visitor Visa Application Template.
I-131 Travel Document Application: Common mistakes.
ChatGPT Prompts for Business Lawyers:
Document Drafting in Business Law:
Non-Disclosure Agreement: For startups seeking investment.
Shareholder Agreement: For family-owned businesses.
Cease and Desist Letter: Trademark infringement cases.
Sales Agreement: Business product sales to a distributor.
Lease Agreement: Commercial property.
Partnership Agreement: Essential clauses.
Licensing Agreement: Key elements.
Franchise Agreement: Typical terms.
Employment Contract: Recommended provisions.
Promissory Note Template.
Power of Attorney: Common drafting mistakes.
Service Agreement: Freelance web developer.
Joint Venture Agreement: Collaborative projects.
Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement: Software companies.
Privacy Policy: E-commerce website.
Terms of Use Agreement: Online platforms.
Loan Agreement: Standard clauses.
Sponsorship Agreement: Necessary elements.
Settlement Agreement: Typical terms.
Contractor Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Buy-Sell Agreement Template.
Confidentiality Agreement: Common mistakes to avoid.
Release of Liability Waiver: Sports events.
Software Development Agreement: Mobile apps.
Property Management Agreement: Rental properties.
Merger Agreement: Competing companies.
Consulting Agreement: Business consultants.
Independent Contractor Agreement: Standard clauses.
Prenuptial Agreement: Necessary elements.
Severance Agreement: Typical terms.
Distribution Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Letter of Intent: Business acquisitions.
Non-Compete Agreement: Drafting mistakes.
Asset Purchase Agreement: Business acquisitions.
Stock Purchase Agreement: Company buyouts.
Warranty Agreement: Product manufacturers.
Commercial Lease Termination Agreement: Tenants vacating.
Real Estate Purchase Agreement: Inclusions.
Mortgage Agreement: Standard clauses.
Security Agreement: Necessary elements.
Operating Agreement: LLCs.
Supply Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Licensing Agreement: Patented inventions.
Subscription Agreement: Common mistakes.
Co-Founder Agreement: Technology startups.
Manufacturing Agreement: Product companies.
Reseller Agreement: Software companies.
Collaboration Agreement: Artists' projects.
Custody Agreement: Divorcing parents.
Trust Agreement: Standard clauses.
Will and Testament: Necessary elements.
Escrow Agreement: Typical terms.
Master Services Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Freelance Writer Agreement Template.
Website Development Agreement: Common mistakes.
Indemnity Agreement: Construction projects.
Memorandum of Understanding: Nonprofit organizations.
Retainer Agreement: Law firms.
Construction Contract: Residential properties.
Royalty Agreement: Book authors.
Change of Control Agreement: Standard clauses.
Debt Settlement Agreement: Necessary elements.
Pledge Agreement: Typical terms.
Advertising Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Domain Name Purchase Agreement Template.
Commercial Sublease Agreement: Common mistakes.
ChatGPT Prompts for Tax Lawyers:
Memorandum of Understanding: For joint ventures.
Non-disclosure Agreement: Software development company and freelancer.
Partnership Agreement: New law firm.
Will and Testament: Client drafting.
Commercial Lease Agreement: Essential elements.
Power of Attorney: Standard clauses.
Prenuptial Agreement: Key elements.
Employment Contract: Typical terms.
Shareholder Agreement: Essential provisions.
Promissory Note Template.
Service Level Agreement: Drafting errors to avoid.
Property Purchase Agreement: Residential transactions.
Software License Agreement: SaaS company and customers.
Living Trust: Client planning.
Cease and Desist Letter: Trademark infringement.
General Release of Liability.
Consulting Agreement: Standard clauses.
Warranty Deed: Essential elements.
Franchise Agreement: Typical terms.
Construction Contract: Recommended provisions.
Loan Agreement Template.
Non-compete Agreement: Common mistakes.
Separation Agreement: Divorcing couples.
Licensing Agreement: Patent holders and manufacturers.
Bylaws: Non-profit organizations.
Letter of Intent: Business acquisitions.
Bill of Sale: Vehicle transactions.
Independent Contractor Agreement: Standard clauses.
Quitclaim Deed: Essential elements.
Sublease Agreement: Typical terms.
Settlement Agreement: Essential provisions.
Confidentiality Agreement Template.
Merger Agreement: Drafting errors.
Stock Purchase Agreement: Business shares.
Sponsorship Agreement: Sports teams and corporates.
Terms of Service: E-commerce websites.
Privacy Policy: Mobile apps.
Letter of Demand: Unpaid invoices.
Distribution Agreement: Standard clauses.
Personal Guarantee: Essential elements.
Management Agreement: Typical terms.
Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement: Key provisions.
Sales Agreement Template.
Buy-Sell Agreement: Common mistakes.
Option Agreement: Real estate purchases.
Master Services Agreement: Marketing agencies and clients.
Retainer Agreement: Law firms.
Deed of Trust: Real estate transactions.
Affidavit of Support.
Manufacturing Agreement: Standard clauses.
Hold Harmless Agreement: Necessary elements.
Software Development Agreement: Typical terms.
Joint Venture Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Operating Agreement: LLCs.
Professional Services Agreement: Drafting errors.
Guardianship Agreement: Minor children.
Mediation Agreement: Dispute resolution.
Collective Bargaining Agreement: Employers and labor unions.
Donation Agreement: Charitable organizations.
Indemnification Agreement.
Work-for-Hire Agreement: Standard clauses.
Real Estate Purchase Contract: Essential elements.
Convertible Note Agreement: Typical terms.
Royalty Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Debt Settlement Agreement Template.
Asset Purchase Agreement: Drafting errors.
ChatGPT Prompts for Real Estate Lawyers:
Residential Lease Agreement: Landlords and tenants.
Purchase Agreement: Buyers and sellers.
Easement Agreement: Property owners and neighbors.
Commercial Lease Agreement: Corporations.
Deed of Trust: Key elements.
Land Installment Contract: Standard clauses.
Mortgage Agreement: Essential elements.
Property Management Agreement: Typical terms.
Real Estate Option Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Joint Venture Agreement: Real estate development.
Quitclaim Deed: Drafting mistakes.
Notice to Vacate: Landlords and tenants.
Real Estate Partnership Agreement: Investors.
Rent-to-Own Agreement: Property owners and buyers.
Letter of Intent: Commercial property purchases.
Right of First Refusal Agreement.
Construction Contract: Standard clauses.
Landlord's Lien Waiver.
Tenant Estoppel Certificate: Typical terms.
Sublease Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Real Estate Development Agreement Template.
Promissory Note: Real property security.
Homeowners Association Bylaws.
Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions Declaration.
Zoning Variance Request.
Title Opinion: Real estate attorneys.
Ground Lease Agreement.
Real Estate Commission Agreement: Standard clauses.
Non-Disclosure Agreement: Real estate.
Real Estate Confidentiality Agreement: Typical terms.
Indemnity Agreement: Real estate.
Co-Brokerage Agreement: Real estate.
Assignment Agreement: Real estate.
Warranty Deed: Residential property.
Land Contract: Property owners and buyers.
Boundary Line Agreement: Adjoining property owners.
Notice of Lis Pendens.
Lease Termination Agreement.
Lease Extension Agreement: Standard clauses.
Lease Amendment: Necessary elements.
Lease Guaranty.
Subordination Agreement: Lease terms.
Lease Assignment Agreement.
Lease Option Agreement: Drafting errors.
Letter of Intent to Lease.
Broker's Opinion of Value.
Letter of Intent to Sell.
Real Estate Closing Statement.
Escrow Agreement.
Real Estate Sales Contract: Standard clauses.
Tax Indemnity Agreement: Real estate.
Co-Ownership Agreement: Real estate.
Power of Attorney: Real estate.
Offer and Acceptance Agreement: Real estate.
Purchase and Sale Agreement: Drafting mistakes.
Letter of Intent to Purchase.
Contingency Agreement: Real estate.
Disclosure Statement: Property sellers.
Hold Harmless Agreement: Real estate agents.
Finders Fee Agreement: Real estate.
Investment Agreement: Real estate.
Syndication Agreement: Real estate.
Referral Agreement: Real estate.
Commission Dispute Resolution Agreement: Real estate.
Brokerage Representation Agreement: Real estate.
Marketing Agreement: Real estate.
ChatGPT Prompts for Intellectual Property (IP) Lawyers:
Patent Application: New inventions.
Trademark Registration Application: Company logos.
Copyright Infringement Cease and Desist Letter.
Software Licensing Agreement: Tech companies.
Non-Disclosure Agreement: Key elements.
Trade Secret License Agreement: Standard clauses.
Work-for-Hire Agreement: Essential elements.
IP Assignment Agreement: Typical terms.
Joint Development Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Patent License Agreement Template.
Trademark Coexistence Agreement: Common mistakes.
Design Patent Application: Unique designs.
Domain Name Purchase Agreement.
Patent Infringement Response Letter.
Copyright Takedown Notice: Photography websites.
Music Licensing Agreement.
Royalty Agreement: Standard clauses.
Trademark License Agreement: Essential elements.
Technology Transfer Agreement: Typical terms.
Software Development Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Merchandising Agreement Template.
IP Indemnification Clause: Drafting errors.
Plant Variety Protection Application.
Moral Rights Waiver Agreement: Artists' work.
Patent Invalidity Opinion Letter.
Trademark Opposition Filing.
Book Publishing Agreement.
Content Licensing Agreement: Standard clauses.
Patent Co-Ownership Agreement: Necessary elements.
Software Escrow Agreement: Typical terms.
Data Sharing Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Copyright Transfer Agreement Template.
Invention Disclosure Form: Common mistakes.
Utility Model Application: Technical innovations.
Research Collaboration Agreement: Universities and companies.
Freedom to Operate Opinion Letter.
Copyright Fair Use Analysis: Documentary filmmakers.
Film Production Agreement.
Patent Litigation Settlement: Standard clauses.
Trademark Maintenance and Renewal Agreement: Essential elements.
Multimedia Licensing Agreement: Typical terms.
Open-Source Software License: Recommended provisions.
IP Due Diligence Report Template.
Confidentiality Clause: IP agreements.
Geographic Indication Registration Application.
Inter Partes Review Petition: Patent challenges.
IP Valuation Report: Company acquisitions.
Trademark Cancellation Petition.
Patent Pooling Agreement.
Cross-Licensing Agreement: Standard clauses.
Software Maintenance and Support Agreement: Essential elements.
IP Pledge Agreement: Typical terms.
Database Rights Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Cease and Desist Response Letter: IP disputes.
IP Audit Plan: Common mistakes.
ChatGPT Prompts for Criminal Defense Lawyers:
Motion to Suppress Evidence: Illegal search and seizure cases.
Affidavit: Client's self-defense claim.
Memorandum of Law: Criminal defense motions.
Plea Agreement: Non-violent crime charges.
Pretrial Discovery Request.
Criminal Defense Retainer Agreement: Standard clauses.
Motion to Dismiss: Speedy trial rights violation.
Plea Bargain: Drug possession case.
Criminal Defense Attorney's Closing Argument: Provisions.
Criminal Defense Opening Statement Template.
Motion for New Trial: Drafting errors.
Motion in Limine: Prejudicial evidence exclusion.
Sentencing Memorandum: White-collar crime conviction.
Post-Conviction Relief Petition: Ineffective counsel claims.
Charge Reduction Request Letter: First-time offenders.
Bail Reduction Motion: Client's declaration.
Criminal Defense Witness Subpoena.
Habeas Corpus Writ.
Expungement Request: Typical terms.
Jury Instruction: Reasonable doubt.
Appeal Notice: Criminal cases.
Guilty Plea Set Aside Motion: Common mistakes.
Judgment of Acquittal Motion: Post-guilty verdict.
Defense Strategy Letter: Client communication.
Venue Change Motion: Pretrial publicity.
Bill of Particulars Request: Charge clarification.
Judge Recusal Motion: Bias.
Fee Agreement: Criminal defense attorney.
Prior Conviction Strike Motion.
Diversion Program Agreement: Terms.
Jury Instruction: Presumption of innocence.
Clemency Petition Template.
Expert Witness Appointment Motion: Common mistakes.
Sever Charges Motion: Multiple counts.
Exculpatory Evidence Production Request: Brady rule.
Improper Arrest Warrant Quash Motion.
Evidence Admission Opposition: Prosecution's motion.
Juror Bias Disqualification Motion.
Engagement Letter: Criminal defense attorney.
Coerced Confession Suppression Motion.
Deferred Prosecution Agreement: Terms.
Jury Instruction: Burden of proof.
Alibi Defense Notice Template.
Plea Agreement Enforcement Motion: Common mistakes.
Mistrial Motion: Juror misconduct.
Pretrial Hearing Response: Prosecution's motion.
Discovery Compulsion Motion: Prosecution.
Post-Conviction DNA Testing Petition.
Search Warrant Legality Challenge Motion.
Conflict of Interest Waiver: Criminal defense attorney.
Prosecutorial Misconduct Dismissal Motion.
House Arrest/Electronic Monitoring Agreement: Terms.
Jury Instruction: Eyewitness testimony.
Expert Testimony Introduction Notice Template.
Prior Conviction Admissibility Challenge Motion.
Check it out with AI Lawyer

As technology continues to transform the legal industry, chatbots have become increasingly popular in assisting lawyers with their work. Advogado de IA platform can help attorneys conduct legal research, provide legal help, and even assist with administrative tasks. However, to make it even easier and faster, we have prepared for you the largest list of AI Lawyer prompts for AI chats:
Prompts for Legal Research
Latest developments in [legal area].
Examples of [legal case/issue].
Relevant laws/regulations for [legal issue].
History of [legal case/issue].
Legal definition of [term/phrase].
Legal precedent for [legal case/issue].
Pros and cons of [legal argument/position].
Standard for [legal issue] in [jurisdiction].
Key legal arguments in [legal case/issue].
Summary of [case name].
Summarize [contract].
Statute of limitations for [type of case] in [state/jurisdiction].
Steps in [legal process/procedure].
Significance of [case name].
Elements of [legal claim/action].
Main defenses to [legal claim/action].
Burden of proof in [type of case].
Impact of [legal case/issue] on [industry/area of law].
Consequences/penalties for [legal violation].
Overview of [legal issue] in international law.
Compare [legal concept] in different jurisdictions.
Role of [legal principle/concept] in [area of law].
Key cases/legal authorities on [legal issue].
Concept of [legal term] relevance to [area of law].
Ethical considerations in [legal issue/situation].
Role of [legal professional/organization] in [system/process].
Implications of legal reforms on [area of law].
Upcoming changes in [legal area].
Potential impact of [legal issue] on [group/community].
Recent court decisions' effect on [legal principle/concept].
Relationship between [legal issue] and [policy/social issue].
Implications of [case/issue] on future cases/legislation.
Factors courts consider interpreting [legal provision/statute].
How [case/issue] affected [industry/sector].
Role of [government agency] in enforcing [regulation/requirement].
Differences between [types of law].
Evolution of [legal principle/concept].
Various forms of [legal entity/structure].
Primary sources of law for [issue/area of law].
Role of [legal document] in [process/transaction].
Importance of [principle/concept] in justice/fairness.
Relationship between [legal issue] and [constitutional principle].
Potential remedies for [legal harm/violation].
Legal basis for [government action/regulation].
Challenges/limitations of [legal approach/solution].
Relation of [case/issue] to [similar case/issue].
Examples of landmark cases in [area of law].
Application of [legal concept] in [situation/scenario].
Requirements for [legal action/procedure].
Effectiveness of [policy/regulation] addressing [issue/problem].
Role of [principle/concept] in promoting [interest/goal].
Rationale behind [legal rule/doctrine].
Factors courts consider in determining [issue/outcome].
Influence of [case/issue] on [opinion/debate].
Reception/criticism of [case/issue] by scholars/professionals.
Role of [legal institution/body] in [system/process].
Court hierarchy in [jurisdiction].
Elements of [legal theory/approach].
Impact of [case/issue] on [constitutional principle].
Challenges/controversies around [legal issue].
Law's address to [emerging issue/technology].
Role of [principle] in balancing interests/rights.
Key legal considerations in [business transaction/relationship].
Importance of [issue] in protecting [right/value].
ChatGPT Prompts for Drafting Legal Documents
Sales Agreement for vehicle ownership transfer.
Non-Disclosure Agreement for startup/investor.
Cease and Desist Letter for copyright infringement.
Last Will and Testament for John Doe.
Components of a Partnership Agreement.
Standard clauses for Lease Agreement.
Elements of an Employment Contract.
Terms for Prenuptial Agreement.
Provisions for Licensing Agreement.
Template for Power of Attorney.
Common mistakes in Commercial Lease Agreement.
Shareholders Agreement for a corporation.
Separation Agreement for divorcing couple.
Promissory Note for a loan between friends.
Privacy Policy for e-commerce website.
Inclusions for Freelance Services Agreement.
Clauses for Independent Contractor Agreement.
Elements for Non-Compete Agreement.
Terms for Joint Venture Agreement.
Provisions for Personal Loan Agreement.
Template for General Release of Liability.
Mistakes to avoid in Settlement Agreement.
Guardianship Agreement for a minor.
Deed of Trust for real estate transaction.
Warranty Deed for property sale.
Buy-Sell Agreement for business partnership.
Inclusions in LLC Operating Agreement.
Clauses for Share Purchase Agreement.
Elements for IP Assignment Agreement.
Terms for Franchise Agreement.
Provisions for Distribution Agreement.
Template for Letter of Intent (business acquisition).
Mistakes to avoid in Service Level Agreement (SLA).
Stock Option Plan for a startup.
Consent to Assignment of Lease for tenant.
Construction Contract for residential project.
Hold Harmless Agreement for contractor.
Clauses for Software Development Agreement.
Elements for Commercial Sublease Agreement.
Terms for Co-Founder Agreement.
Provisions for Consulting Agreement.
Template for Demand Letter (breach of contract).
Mistakes to avoid in Merger Agreement.
Real Estate Purchase Agreement for residential property.
Sponsorship Agreement for charity event.
MOU for collaboration between organizations.
Confidentiality Agreement for product inventor.
Proxy Agreement for shareholder meeting.
Clauses for Manufacturing Agreement.
Elements for Supply Agreement.
Terms for Website Terms of Service.
Provisions for Waiver of Liability.
Template for Affidavit of Identity.
Mistakes to avoid in Rental Agreement.
Inclusions in Security Agreement for secured loan.
ChatGPT Prompts for Family Lawyers:
Drafting Agreements:
Prenuptial Agreement: For engaged couples to protect assets.
Child Custody Agreement: For divorcing parents.
Postnuptial Agreement: Modifying marital property rights for spouses.
Parenting Plan: Outlining co-parenting responsibilities for separated parents.
Property Settlement Agreement: Dividing assets and debts for a divorcing couple.
Spousal Support Agreement: Considerations for a couple contemplating divorce.
Visitation Schedule: For non-custodial parents.
Adoption Agreement: For families looking to adopt.
Guardianship Agreement: For grandparents seeking legal guardianship of grandchildren.
Paternity Petition: For fathers establishing legal rights.
Legal Templates and Clauses:
Marital Settlement Agreement: Key components.
Child Support Agreement: Standard clauses.
Decree of Dissolution of Marriage: Necessary elements.
Mediated Divorce Agreement: Typical terms.
Cohabitation Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Parenting Time Modification: Template.
Separation Agreement: Common drafting mistakes to avoid.
Domestic Partnership Agreement: For unmarried couples establishing legal rights.
Specific Family Law Document Drafting:
Power of Attorney: For family decision-making.
Will Creation: Ensuring family provision after death.
Living Trust: Asset protection and probate avoidance.
Grandparent Visitation Petition: Court-ordered visitation rights.
Step-Parent Adoption Petition: Adoption by a step-parent.
Surrogacy Agreement: Arrangements for intended parents and surrogates.
Estate Planning: Protecting family's financial future.
Letter of Intent: Ensuring fulfillment of incapacitated family member’s wishes.
Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare: Inclusion elements.
Conservatorship Agreement: Standard clauses.
Family Limited Partnership: Essential elements.
Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO): Typical terms.
Intestate Succession Plan: Recommended provisions.
Declaration of Paternity: Template.
Post-Adoption Contact Agreement: Drafting errors to avoid.
Pre-Adoption Home Study: For prospective adoptive parents.
Name Change Petition: Legal name change process.
Marital Property Agreement: Defining separate/shared assets.
Temporary Custody Order: Temporary guardianship arrangements.
Affidavit of Support: Immigration sponsorship.
Restraining Order Petition: Protection from domestic violence.
Dependency and Neglect Petition: Reporting child abuse/neglect.
Family Care Plan: For military families.
Relinquishment of Parental Rights: Standard clauses.
Termination of Parental Rights Petition: Necessary elements.
Special Needs Trust: Typical terms.
Mediation Agreement: Family law dispute resolution.
Stipulation and Order to Modify Child Support: Template.
Collaborative Divorce Agreement: Common drafting mistakes.
No-Contest Clause: In wills to discourage challenges.
Emancipation Petition: Legal independence for minors.
Temporary Restraining Order: Immediate protection needs.
QTIP Trust: Provisions for spouse and previous marriage children.
Guardian ad Litem Appointment: For children in family disputes.
Voluntary Relinquishment of Parental Rights Affidavit.
Non-Paternity Affidavit: Disproving paternity.
Standby Guardianship Designation: Elements.
Child Relocation Agreement: Standard clauses.
Legal Separation Agreement: Necessary elements.
Family Law Arbitration Agreement: Typical terms.
Declaration of Disclosure: In family law cases.
Child Custody Dispute Order to Show Cause: Template.
Family Law Settlement Agreement: Drafting mistakes to avoid.
ChatGPT Prompts for Personal Injury Lawyers:
Drafting Legal Documents:
Demand Letter: For a slip and fall case.
Settlement Agreement: Multi-party car accident case.
Complaint: Medical malpractice lawsuit.
Motion for Summary Judgment: Defective product case.
Response to Motion to Dismiss: Premises liability case.
Deposition Outline: Car accident involving a commercial truck.
Retainer Agreement: Client with a traumatic brain injury.
Motion to Compel Discovery: Against a large corporation.
Release of All Claims: Personal injury settlement.
Arbitration Agreement: Personal injury case.
Wrongful Death Claim: Necessary elements.
Contingent Fee Agreement: Drug possession case plea bargain.
Mediation Agreement: Personal injury dispute.
Interrogatory Template: Personal injury case.
Personal Injury Complaint: Common drafting mistakes.
Counterclaim: Comparative negligence case.
Request for Production of Documents: Bicycle accident case.
Pre-Litigation Demand Letter: Public transportation accident.
Class Certification Motion: Mass tort personal injury case.
Admission Request: Personal injury case.
Joint Venture Agreement: Multiple law firms in a personal injury case.
Causation in Toxic Exposure Case: Necessary elements.
Third-Party Liability Claim: Terms for personal injury case.
Choice of Law Clause: Personal injury contract.
Expert Witness Report Template: Personal injury case.
Summary Judgment Motion: Common mistakes in personal injury cases.
Defendant's Answer Reply: Defective medical device case.
Appeal Notice: Denied workers' compensation claim.
Summary Judgment Opposition: Construction accident case.
Sanctions Motion: Evidence spoliation in a personal injury case.
Protective Order: Personal injury case.
Co-Counsel Agreement: Multi-district personal injury litigation.
Gross Negligence Proof: Personal injury case.
Subrogation Agreement: Personal injury case.
Forum Selection Clause: Personal injury contract.
Case Management Plan Template: Personal injury case.
Personal Injury Appeal Brief: Common drafting mistakes.
Minor's Settlement Petition: Personal injury case.
Interrogatory Request: Pedestrian accident case.
Defendant's Counterclaim Response: Assault and battery case.
Expert Testimony Exclusion Motion: Questionable expert witness in a personal injury case.
Litigation Hold Letter: Personal injury case.
Fee-Sharing Agreement: Multiple attorneys in a personal injury case.
Vicarious Liability Proof: Personal injury case.
Lien Resolution Agreement: Personal injury case.
Severance Agreement: Multiple defendants in a personal injury case.
Jury Selection Questionnaire Template: Personal injury trial.
Personal Injury Mediation Brief: Common mistakes.
Document Production Request Response: Defective product case.
Prejudicial Evidence Exclusion Motion: Personal injury trial.
Government Entity Motion to Dismiss Opposition: Personal injury case.
Insurance Company Representation Letter: Motor vehicle accident client.
Case Status Update Letter: Personal injury client.
Referral Agreement: Out-of-state attorney in a personal injury case.
Emotional Distress Proof: Personal injury case.
Personal Injury Attorney's Contingency Fee Agreement: Terms.
Settlement Negotiation Strategy: Provisions for a personal injury case.
Trial Exhibit List Template: Personal injury trial.
Personal Injury Closing Argument: Common drafting mistakes.
ChatGPT Prompts for Employment and Labor Lawyers:
Document Drafting for Employment and Labor Law:
Non-disclosure Agreement: For new employees.
Termination Letter: Employee dismissal.
Workplace Harassment Policy: For small businesses.
Collective Bargaining Agreement: Between labor unions and companies.
Severance Agreement: Essential components.
Employment Contract: Standard clauses.
Workplace Safety Policy: Necessary elements.
Independent Contractor Agreement: Typical terms.
Non-compete Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Workplace Accommodation Request Letter: Template.
Whistleblower Policy: Common mistakes in drafting.
Family and Medical Leave Policy: For companies.
Wage and Hour Compliance Policy: For organizations.
Social Media Policy: For corporate employees.
Employee Handbook: For startups.
Workers' Compensation Policy: Standard clauses.
Confidentiality Agreement: For company mergers.
Employment Discrimination Case Settlement Agreement.
ADA Reasonable Accommodation Policy: Elements.
Executive Employment Agreement: Typical terms.
Workplace Drug and Alcohol Policy: Recommended provisions.
ADA Accommodation Request Template.
Diversity and Inclusion Policy: Drafting mistakes to avoid.
Workplace Violence Prevention Policy: For retail businesses.
Telecommuting Policy: For remote work environments.
Disciplinary Action Policy: For companies.
Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Program.
Arbitration Agreement: Employment context.
Performance Improvement Plan: For underperforming employees.
Labor Union Grievance Procedure.
Anti-discrimination Policy: Effective elements.
Temporary Employment Agreement: Typical terms.
Employee Stock Option Plan: Recommended provisions.
Employee Warning Notice Template.
Health and Wellness Program: Drafting mistakes to avoid.
Equal Employment Opportunity Policy: For medium-sized businesses.
Vacation and Paid Time Off Policy: For companies.
Conflict of Interest Policy: For non-profits.
Code of Conduct: For professional associations.
Trade Secret Protection Agreement: Standard clauses.
Layoff Notice: For company restructuring.
Retaliation Prevention Policy: For organizations.
Progressive Discipline Policy: Necessary elements.
Severance Pay Agreement: Typical terms.
Workplace Dress Code Policy: Recommended provisions.
Employee Performance Evaluation Template.
Wage Garnishment Policy: Drafting mistakes to avoid.
Workplace Privacy Policy: For technology companies.
Pension Plan Policy: For large corporations.
Overtime Policy: For manufacturing businesses.
Workplace Investigation Procedure.
Employee Intellectual Property Agreement: Standard clauses.
Reasonable Accommodation Denial Letter: For employers.
Workplace Safety Training Program: For construction companies.
Workplace Lactation Policy: Necessary elements.
Flexible Work Arrangement Policy: Typical terms.
Workplace Ethics Policy: Recommended provisions.
Employee Termination Checklist Template.
Workplace Emergency Preparedness Plan: Common mistakes.
ChatGPT Prompts for Immigration Lawyers:
Document Drafting and Legal Support in Immigration Law:
Memorandum of Understanding: For families seeking asylum.
Visa Application: Employment-based immigration.
Evidence Response: For H-1B visa applicants.
Waiver Application: Overcoming inadmissibility.
Marriage-Based Green Card Application: Key inclusions.
EB-5 Investor Visa Petition: Standard clauses.
U Visa Application: Necessary elements for success.
Labor Condition Application: Typical terms.
O-1 Visa Application: Recommended provisions.
Naturalization Application Template.
K-1 Fiancé(e) Visa Application: Common mistakes to avoid.
VAWA Self-Petitioner Support Letter.
DACA Recipient Status Adjustment Application.
Hardship Waiver: For deportation cases.
Asylum Application: Fleeing persecution.
E-2 Treaty Investor Visa Application.
L-1 Visa Application: Intra-company transferee.
I-601A Provisional Waiver Application.
I-130 Immigrant Visa Petition: Family-based.
T Visa Application: Human trafficking victims.
Consular Processing Application Template.
Affidavit of Support: Drafting errors to avoid.
Legal Brief: Immigration court hearing.
Removal Cancellation: Non-permanent resident.
Parole in Place Application: Military family members.
Motion to Reopen: Removal order cases.
H-2A Visa Application: Agricultural workers.
H-2B Visa Application: Non-agricultural workers.
I-212 Reapplication Permission: After deportation.
I-751 Petition: Removing conditions on residence.
J-1 Waiver Application: For exchange visitors.
I-539 Application: Change/extend non-immigrant status.
G-28 Notice of Entry: Attorney or accredited representative.
New Immigration Law Impact Analysis.
Notice of Intent to Deny Response: Immigration benefits.
Employment Authorization Document Application Cover Letter.
Immigration Court Continuance Request.
TN NAFTA Visa Application: Professionals.
R-1 Visa Application: Religious workers.
I-824 Application: Action on approved application/petition.
I-765 Employment Authorization Application.
I-360 Petition: Amerasian, Widow(er), Special Immigrant.
B-1/B-2 Visitor Visa Application Template.
I-131 Travel Document Application: Common mistakes.
ChatGPT Prompts for Business Lawyers:
Document Drafting in Business Law:
Non-Disclosure Agreement: For startups seeking investment.
Shareholder Agreement: For family-owned businesses.
Cease and Desist Letter: Trademark infringement cases.
Sales Agreement: Business product sales to a distributor.
Lease Agreement: Commercial property.
Partnership Agreement: Essential clauses.
Licensing Agreement: Key elements.
Franchise Agreement: Typical terms.
Employment Contract: Recommended provisions.
Promissory Note Template.
Power of Attorney: Common drafting mistakes.
Service Agreement: Freelance web developer.
Joint Venture Agreement: Collaborative projects.
Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement: Software companies.
Privacy Policy: E-commerce website.
Terms of Use Agreement: Online platforms.
Loan Agreement: Standard clauses.
Sponsorship Agreement: Necessary elements.
Settlement Agreement: Typical terms.
Contractor Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Buy-Sell Agreement Template.
Confidentiality Agreement: Common mistakes to avoid.
Release of Liability Waiver: Sports events.
Software Development Agreement: Mobile apps.
Property Management Agreement: Rental properties.
Merger Agreement: Competing companies.
Consulting Agreement: Business consultants.
Independent Contractor Agreement: Standard clauses.
Prenuptial Agreement: Necessary elements.
Severance Agreement: Typical terms.
Distribution Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Letter of Intent: Business acquisitions.
Non-Compete Agreement: Drafting mistakes.
Asset Purchase Agreement: Business acquisitions.
Stock Purchase Agreement: Company buyouts.
Warranty Agreement: Product manufacturers.
Commercial Lease Termination Agreement: Tenants vacating.
Real Estate Purchase Agreement: Inclusions.
Mortgage Agreement: Standard clauses.
Security Agreement: Necessary elements.
Operating Agreement: LLCs.
Supply Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Licensing Agreement: Patented inventions.
Subscription Agreement: Common mistakes.
Co-Founder Agreement: Technology startups.
Manufacturing Agreement: Product companies.
Reseller Agreement: Software companies.
Collaboration Agreement: Artists' projects.
Custody Agreement: Divorcing parents.
Trust Agreement: Standard clauses.
Will and Testament: Necessary elements.
Escrow Agreement: Typical terms.
Master Services Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Freelance Writer Agreement Template.
Website Development Agreement: Common mistakes.
Indemnity Agreement: Construction projects.
Memorandum of Understanding: Nonprofit organizations.
Retainer Agreement: Law firms.
Construction Contract: Residential properties.
Royalty Agreement: Book authors.
Change of Control Agreement: Standard clauses.
Debt Settlement Agreement: Necessary elements.
Pledge Agreement: Typical terms.
Advertising Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Domain Name Purchase Agreement Template.
Commercial Sublease Agreement: Common mistakes.
ChatGPT Prompts for Tax Lawyers:
Memorandum of Understanding: For joint ventures.
Non-disclosure Agreement: Software development company and freelancer.
Partnership Agreement: New law firm.
Will and Testament: Client drafting.
Commercial Lease Agreement: Essential elements.
Power of Attorney: Standard clauses.
Prenuptial Agreement: Key elements.
Employment Contract: Typical terms.
Shareholder Agreement: Essential provisions.
Promissory Note Template.
Service Level Agreement: Drafting errors to avoid.
Property Purchase Agreement: Residential transactions.
Software License Agreement: SaaS company and customers.
Living Trust: Client planning.
Cease and Desist Letter: Trademark infringement.
General Release of Liability.
Consulting Agreement: Standard clauses.
Warranty Deed: Essential elements.
Franchise Agreement: Typical terms.
Construction Contract: Recommended provisions.
Loan Agreement Template.
Non-compete Agreement: Common mistakes.
Separation Agreement: Divorcing couples.
Licensing Agreement: Patent holders and manufacturers.
Bylaws: Non-profit organizations.
Letter of Intent: Business acquisitions.
Bill of Sale: Vehicle transactions.
Independent Contractor Agreement: Standard clauses.
Quitclaim Deed: Essential elements.
Sublease Agreement: Typical terms.
Settlement Agreement: Essential provisions.
Confidentiality Agreement Template.
Merger Agreement: Drafting errors.
Stock Purchase Agreement: Business shares.
Sponsorship Agreement: Sports teams and corporates.
Terms of Service: E-commerce websites.
Privacy Policy: Mobile apps.
Letter of Demand: Unpaid invoices.
Distribution Agreement: Standard clauses.
Personal Guarantee: Essential elements.
Management Agreement: Typical terms.
Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement: Key provisions.
Sales Agreement Template.
Buy-Sell Agreement: Common mistakes.
Option Agreement: Real estate purchases.
Master Services Agreement: Marketing agencies and clients.
Retainer Agreement: Law firms.
Deed of Trust: Real estate transactions.
Affidavit of Support.
Manufacturing Agreement: Standard clauses.
Hold Harmless Agreement: Necessary elements.
Software Development Agreement: Typical terms.
Joint Venture Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Operating Agreement: LLCs.
Professional Services Agreement: Drafting errors.
Guardianship Agreement: Minor children.
Mediation Agreement: Dispute resolution.
Collective Bargaining Agreement: Employers and labor unions.
Donation Agreement: Charitable organizations.
Indemnification Agreement.
Work-for-Hire Agreement: Standard clauses.
Real Estate Purchase Contract: Essential elements.
Convertible Note Agreement: Typical terms.
Royalty Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Debt Settlement Agreement Template.
Asset Purchase Agreement: Drafting errors.
ChatGPT Prompts for Real Estate Lawyers:
Residential Lease Agreement: Landlords and tenants.
Purchase Agreement: Buyers and sellers.
Easement Agreement: Property owners and neighbors.
Commercial Lease Agreement: Corporations.
Deed of Trust: Key elements.
Land Installment Contract: Standard clauses.
Mortgage Agreement: Essential elements.
Property Management Agreement: Typical terms.
Real Estate Option Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Joint Venture Agreement: Real estate development.
Quitclaim Deed: Drafting mistakes.
Notice to Vacate: Landlords and tenants.
Real Estate Partnership Agreement: Investors.
Rent-to-Own Agreement: Property owners and buyers.
Letter of Intent: Commercial property purchases.
Right of First Refusal Agreement.
Construction Contract: Standard clauses.
Landlord's Lien Waiver.
Tenant Estoppel Certificate: Typical terms.
Sublease Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Real Estate Development Agreement Template.
Promissory Note: Real property security.
Homeowners Association Bylaws.
Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions Declaration.
Zoning Variance Request.
Title Opinion: Real estate attorneys.
Ground Lease Agreement.
Real Estate Commission Agreement: Standard clauses.
Non-Disclosure Agreement: Real estate.
Real Estate Confidentiality Agreement: Typical terms.
Indemnity Agreement: Real estate.
Co-Brokerage Agreement: Real estate.
Assignment Agreement: Real estate.
Warranty Deed: Residential property.
Land Contract: Property owners and buyers.
Boundary Line Agreement: Adjoining property owners.
Notice of Lis Pendens.
Lease Termination Agreement.
Lease Extension Agreement: Standard clauses.
Lease Amendment: Necessary elements.
Lease Guaranty.
Subordination Agreement: Lease terms.
Lease Assignment Agreement.
Lease Option Agreement: Drafting errors.
Letter of Intent to Lease.
Broker's Opinion of Value.
Letter of Intent to Sell.
Real Estate Closing Statement.
Escrow Agreement.
Real Estate Sales Contract: Standard clauses.
Tax Indemnity Agreement: Real estate.
Co-Ownership Agreement: Real estate.
Power of Attorney: Real estate.
Offer and Acceptance Agreement: Real estate.
Purchase and Sale Agreement: Drafting mistakes.
Letter of Intent to Purchase.
Contingency Agreement: Real estate.
Disclosure Statement: Property sellers.
Hold Harmless Agreement: Real estate agents.
Finders Fee Agreement: Real estate.
Investment Agreement: Real estate.
Syndication Agreement: Real estate.
Referral Agreement: Real estate.
Commission Dispute Resolution Agreement: Real estate.
Brokerage Representation Agreement: Real estate.
Marketing Agreement: Real estate.
ChatGPT Prompts for Intellectual Property (IP) Lawyers:
Patent Application: New inventions.
Trademark Registration Application: Company logos.
Copyright Infringement Cease and Desist Letter.
Software Licensing Agreement: Tech companies.
Non-Disclosure Agreement: Key elements.
Trade Secret License Agreement: Standard clauses.
Work-for-Hire Agreement: Essential elements.
IP Assignment Agreement: Typical terms.
Joint Development Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Patent License Agreement Template.
Trademark Coexistence Agreement: Common mistakes.
Design Patent Application: Unique designs.
Domain Name Purchase Agreement.
Patent Infringement Response Letter.
Copyright Takedown Notice: Photography websites.
Music Licensing Agreement.
Royalty Agreement: Standard clauses.
Trademark License Agreement: Essential elements.
Technology Transfer Agreement: Typical terms.
Software Development Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Merchandising Agreement Template.
IP Indemnification Clause: Drafting errors.
Plant Variety Protection Application.
Moral Rights Waiver Agreement: Artists' work.
Patent Invalidity Opinion Letter.
Trademark Opposition Filing.
Book Publishing Agreement.
Content Licensing Agreement: Standard clauses.
Patent Co-Ownership Agreement: Necessary elements.
Software Escrow Agreement: Typical terms.
Data Sharing Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Copyright Transfer Agreement Template.
Invention Disclosure Form: Common mistakes.
Utility Model Application: Technical innovations.
Research Collaboration Agreement: Universities and companies.
Freedom to Operate Opinion Letter.
Copyright Fair Use Analysis: Documentary filmmakers.
Film Production Agreement.
Patent Litigation Settlement: Standard clauses.
Trademark Maintenance and Renewal Agreement: Essential elements.
Multimedia Licensing Agreement: Typical terms.
Open-Source Software License: Recommended provisions.
IP Due Diligence Report Template.
Confidentiality Clause: IP agreements.
Geographic Indication Registration Application.
Inter Partes Review Petition: Patent challenges.
IP Valuation Report: Company acquisitions.
Trademark Cancellation Petition.
Patent Pooling Agreement.
Cross-Licensing Agreement: Standard clauses.
Software Maintenance and Support Agreement: Essential elements.
IP Pledge Agreement: Typical terms.
Database Rights Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Cease and Desist Response Letter: IP disputes.
IP Audit Plan: Common mistakes.
ChatGPT Prompts for Criminal Defense Lawyers:
Motion to Suppress Evidence: Illegal search and seizure cases.
Affidavit: Client's self-defense claim.
Memorandum of Law: Criminal defense motions.
Plea Agreement: Non-violent crime charges.
Pretrial Discovery Request.
Criminal Defense Retainer Agreement: Standard clauses.
Motion to Dismiss: Speedy trial rights violation.
Plea Bargain: Drug possession case.
Criminal Defense Attorney's Closing Argument: Provisions.
Criminal Defense Opening Statement Template.
Motion for New Trial: Drafting errors.
Motion in Limine: Prejudicial evidence exclusion.
Sentencing Memorandum: White-collar crime conviction.
Post-Conviction Relief Petition: Ineffective counsel claims.
Charge Reduction Request Letter: First-time offenders.
Bail Reduction Motion: Client's declaration.
Criminal Defense Witness Subpoena.
Habeas Corpus Writ.
Expungement Request: Typical terms.
Jury Instruction: Reasonable doubt.
Appeal Notice: Criminal cases.
Guilty Plea Set Aside Motion: Common mistakes.
Judgment of Acquittal Motion: Post-guilty verdict.
Defense Strategy Letter: Client communication.
Venue Change Motion: Pretrial publicity.
Bill of Particulars Request: Charge clarification.
Judge Recusal Motion: Bias.
Fee Agreement: Criminal defense attorney.
Prior Conviction Strike Motion.
Diversion Program Agreement: Terms.
Jury Instruction: Presumption of innocence.
Clemency Petition Template.
Expert Witness Appointment Motion: Common mistakes.
Sever Charges Motion: Multiple counts.
Exculpatory Evidence Production Request: Brady rule.
Improper Arrest Warrant Quash Motion.
Evidence Admission Opposition: Prosecution's motion.
Juror Bias Disqualification Motion.
Engagement Letter: Criminal defense attorney.
Coerced Confession Suppression Motion.
Deferred Prosecution Agreement: Terms.
Jury Instruction: Burden of proof.
Alibi Defense Notice Template.
Plea Agreement Enforcement Motion: Common mistakes.
Mistrial Motion: Juror misconduct.
Pretrial Hearing Response: Prosecution's motion.
Discovery Compulsion Motion: Prosecution.
Post-Conviction DNA Testing Petition.
Search Warrant Legality Challenge Motion.
Conflict of Interest Waiver: Criminal defense attorney.
Prosecutorial Misconduct Dismissal Motion.
House Arrest/Electronic Monitoring Agreement: Terms.
Jury Instruction: Eyewitness testimony.
Expert Testimony Introduction Notice Template.
Prior Conviction Admissibility Challenge Motion.
Check it out with AI Lawyer

As technology continues to transform the legal industry, chatbots have become increasingly popular in assisting lawyers with their work. Advogado de IA platform can help attorneys conduct legal research, provide legal help, and even assist with administrative tasks. However, to make it even easier and faster, we have prepared for you the largest list of AI Lawyer prompts for AI chats:
Prompts for Legal Research
Latest developments in [legal area].
Examples of [legal case/issue].
Relevant laws/regulations for [legal issue].
History of [legal case/issue].
Legal definition of [term/phrase].
Legal precedent for [legal case/issue].
Pros and cons of [legal argument/position].
Standard for [legal issue] in [jurisdiction].
Key legal arguments in [legal case/issue].
Summary of [case name].
Summarize [contract].
Statute of limitations for [type of case] in [state/jurisdiction].
Steps in [legal process/procedure].
Significance of [case name].
Elements of [legal claim/action].
Main defenses to [legal claim/action].
Burden of proof in [type of case].
Impact of [legal case/issue] on [industry/area of law].
Consequences/penalties for [legal violation].
Overview of [legal issue] in international law.
Compare [legal concept] in different jurisdictions.
Role of [legal principle/concept] in [area of law].
Key cases/legal authorities on [legal issue].
Concept of [legal term] relevance to [area of law].
Ethical considerations in [legal issue/situation].
Role of [legal professional/organization] in [system/process].
Implications of legal reforms on [area of law].
Upcoming changes in [legal area].
Potential impact of [legal issue] on [group/community].
Recent court decisions' effect on [legal principle/concept].
Relationship between [legal issue] and [policy/social issue].
Implications of [case/issue] on future cases/legislation.
Factors courts consider interpreting [legal provision/statute].
How [case/issue] affected [industry/sector].
Role of [government agency] in enforcing [regulation/requirement].
Differences between [types of law].
Evolution of [legal principle/concept].
Various forms of [legal entity/structure].
Primary sources of law for [issue/area of law].
Role of [legal document] in [process/transaction].
Importance of [principle/concept] in justice/fairness.
Relationship between [legal issue] and [constitutional principle].
Potential remedies for [legal harm/violation].
Legal basis for [government action/regulation].
Challenges/limitations of [legal approach/solution].
Relation of [case/issue] to [similar case/issue].
Examples of landmark cases in [area of law].
Application of [legal concept] in [situation/scenario].
Requirements for [legal action/procedure].
Effectiveness of [policy/regulation] addressing [issue/problem].
Role of [principle/concept] in promoting [interest/goal].
Rationale behind [legal rule/doctrine].
Factors courts consider in determining [issue/outcome].
Influence of [case/issue] on [opinion/debate].
Reception/criticism of [case/issue] by scholars/professionals.
Role of [legal institution/body] in [system/process].
Court hierarchy in [jurisdiction].
Elements of [legal theory/approach].
Impact of [case/issue] on [constitutional principle].
Challenges/controversies around [legal issue].
Law's address to [emerging issue/technology].
Role of [principle] in balancing interests/rights.
Key legal considerations in [business transaction/relationship].
Importance of [issue] in protecting [right/value].
ChatGPT Prompts for Drafting Legal Documents
Sales Agreement for vehicle ownership transfer.
Non-Disclosure Agreement for startup/investor.
Cease and Desist Letter for copyright infringement.
Last Will and Testament for John Doe.
Components of a Partnership Agreement.
Standard clauses for Lease Agreement.
Elements of an Employment Contract.
Terms for Prenuptial Agreement.
Provisions for Licensing Agreement.
Template for Power of Attorney.
Common mistakes in Commercial Lease Agreement.
Shareholders Agreement for a corporation.
Separation Agreement for divorcing couple.
Promissory Note for a loan between friends.
Privacy Policy for e-commerce website.
Inclusions for Freelance Services Agreement.
Clauses for Independent Contractor Agreement.
Elements for Non-Compete Agreement.
Terms for Joint Venture Agreement.
Provisions for Personal Loan Agreement.
Template for General Release of Liability.
Mistakes to avoid in Settlement Agreement.
Guardianship Agreement for a minor.
Deed of Trust for real estate transaction.
Warranty Deed for property sale.
Buy-Sell Agreement for business partnership.
Inclusions in LLC Operating Agreement.
Clauses for Share Purchase Agreement.
Elements for IP Assignment Agreement.
Terms for Franchise Agreement.
Provisions for Distribution Agreement.
Template for Letter of Intent (business acquisition).
Mistakes to avoid in Service Level Agreement (SLA).
Stock Option Plan for a startup.
Consent to Assignment of Lease for tenant.
Construction Contract for residential project.
Hold Harmless Agreement for contractor.
Clauses for Software Development Agreement.
Elements for Commercial Sublease Agreement.
Terms for Co-Founder Agreement.
Provisions for Consulting Agreement.
Template for Demand Letter (breach of contract).
Mistakes to avoid in Merger Agreement.
Real Estate Purchase Agreement for residential property.
Sponsorship Agreement for charity event.
MOU for collaboration between organizations.
Confidentiality Agreement for product inventor.
Proxy Agreement for shareholder meeting.
Clauses for Manufacturing Agreement.
Elements for Supply Agreement.
Terms for Website Terms of Service.
Provisions for Waiver of Liability.
Template for Affidavit of Identity.
Mistakes to avoid in Rental Agreement.
Inclusions in Security Agreement for secured loan.
ChatGPT Prompts for Family Lawyers:
Drafting Agreements:
Prenuptial Agreement: For engaged couples to protect assets.
Child Custody Agreement: For divorcing parents.
Postnuptial Agreement: Modifying marital property rights for spouses.
Parenting Plan: Outlining co-parenting responsibilities for separated parents.
Property Settlement Agreement: Dividing assets and debts for a divorcing couple.
Spousal Support Agreement: Considerations for a couple contemplating divorce.
Visitation Schedule: For non-custodial parents.
Adoption Agreement: For families looking to adopt.
Guardianship Agreement: For grandparents seeking legal guardianship of grandchildren.
Paternity Petition: For fathers establishing legal rights.
Legal Templates and Clauses:
Marital Settlement Agreement: Key components.
Child Support Agreement: Standard clauses.
Decree of Dissolution of Marriage: Necessary elements.
Mediated Divorce Agreement: Typical terms.
Cohabitation Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Parenting Time Modification: Template.
Separation Agreement: Common drafting mistakes to avoid.
Domestic Partnership Agreement: For unmarried couples establishing legal rights.
Specific Family Law Document Drafting:
Power of Attorney: For family decision-making.
Will Creation: Ensuring family provision after death.
Living Trust: Asset protection and probate avoidance.
Grandparent Visitation Petition: Court-ordered visitation rights.
Step-Parent Adoption Petition: Adoption by a step-parent.
Surrogacy Agreement: Arrangements for intended parents and surrogates.
Estate Planning: Protecting family's financial future.
Letter of Intent: Ensuring fulfillment of incapacitated family member’s wishes.
Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare: Inclusion elements.
Conservatorship Agreement: Standard clauses.
Family Limited Partnership: Essential elements.
Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO): Typical terms.
Intestate Succession Plan: Recommended provisions.
Declaration of Paternity: Template.
Post-Adoption Contact Agreement: Drafting errors to avoid.
Pre-Adoption Home Study: For prospective adoptive parents.
Name Change Petition: Legal name change process.
Marital Property Agreement: Defining separate/shared assets.
Temporary Custody Order: Temporary guardianship arrangements.
Affidavit of Support: Immigration sponsorship.
Restraining Order Petition: Protection from domestic violence.
Dependency and Neglect Petition: Reporting child abuse/neglect.
Family Care Plan: For military families.
Relinquishment of Parental Rights: Standard clauses.
Termination of Parental Rights Petition: Necessary elements.
Special Needs Trust: Typical terms.
Mediation Agreement: Family law dispute resolution.
Stipulation and Order to Modify Child Support: Template.
Collaborative Divorce Agreement: Common drafting mistakes.
No-Contest Clause: In wills to discourage challenges.
Emancipation Petition: Legal independence for minors.
Temporary Restraining Order: Immediate protection needs.
QTIP Trust: Provisions for spouse and previous marriage children.
Guardian ad Litem Appointment: For children in family disputes.
Voluntary Relinquishment of Parental Rights Affidavit.
Non-Paternity Affidavit: Disproving paternity.
Standby Guardianship Designation: Elements.
Child Relocation Agreement: Standard clauses.
Legal Separation Agreement: Necessary elements.
Family Law Arbitration Agreement: Typical terms.
Declaration of Disclosure: In family law cases.
Child Custody Dispute Order to Show Cause: Template.
Family Law Settlement Agreement: Drafting mistakes to avoid.
ChatGPT Prompts for Personal Injury Lawyers:
Drafting Legal Documents:
Demand Letter: For a slip and fall case.
Settlement Agreement: Multi-party car accident case.
Complaint: Medical malpractice lawsuit.
Motion for Summary Judgment: Defective product case.
Response to Motion to Dismiss: Premises liability case.
Deposition Outline: Car accident involving a commercial truck.
Retainer Agreement: Client with a traumatic brain injury.
Motion to Compel Discovery: Against a large corporation.
Release of All Claims: Personal injury settlement.
Arbitration Agreement: Personal injury case.
Wrongful Death Claim: Necessary elements.
Contingent Fee Agreement: Drug possession case plea bargain.
Mediation Agreement: Personal injury dispute.
Interrogatory Template: Personal injury case.
Personal Injury Complaint: Common drafting mistakes.
Counterclaim: Comparative negligence case.
Request for Production of Documents: Bicycle accident case.
Pre-Litigation Demand Letter: Public transportation accident.
Class Certification Motion: Mass tort personal injury case.
Admission Request: Personal injury case.
Joint Venture Agreement: Multiple law firms in a personal injury case.
Causation in Toxic Exposure Case: Necessary elements.
Third-Party Liability Claim: Terms for personal injury case.
Choice of Law Clause: Personal injury contract.
Expert Witness Report Template: Personal injury case.
Summary Judgment Motion: Common mistakes in personal injury cases.
Defendant's Answer Reply: Defective medical device case.
Appeal Notice: Denied workers' compensation claim.
Summary Judgment Opposition: Construction accident case.
Sanctions Motion: Evidence spoliation in a personal injury case.
Protective Order: Personal injury case.
Co-Counsel Agreement: Multi-district personal injury litigation.
Gross Negligence Proof: Personal injury case.
Subrogation Agreement: Personal injury case.
Forum Selection Clause: Personal injury contract.
Case Management Plan Template: Personal injury case.
Personal Injury Appeal Brief: Common drafting mistakes.
Minor's Settlement Petition: Personal injury case.
Interrogatory Request: Pedestrian accident case.
Defendant's Counterclaim Response: Assault and battery case.
Expert Testimony Exclusion Motion: Questionable expert witness in a personal injury case.
Litigation Hold Letter: Personal injury case.
Fee-Sharing Agreement: Multiple attorneys in a personal injury case.
Vicarious Liability Proof: Personal injury case.
Lien Resolution Agreement: Personal injury case.
Severance Agreement: Multiple defendants in a personal injury case.
Jury Selection Questionnaire Template: Personal injury trial.
Personal Injury Mediation Brief: Common mistakes.
Document Production Request Response: Defective product case.
Prejudicial Evidence Exclusion Motion: Personal injury trial.
Government Entity Motion to Dismiss Opposition: Personal injury case.
Insurance Company Representation Letter: Motor vehicle accident client.
Case Status Update Letter: Personal injury client.
Referral Agreement: Out-of-state attorney in a personal injury case.
Emotional Distress Proof: Personal injury case.
Personal Injury Attorney's Contingency Fee Agreement: Terms.
Settlement Negotiation Strategy: Provisions for a personal injury case.
Trial Exhibit List Template: Personal injury trial.
Personal Injury Closing Argument: Common drafting mistakes.
ChatGPT Prompts for Employment and Labor Lawyers:
Document Drafting for Employment and Labor Law:
Non-disclosure Agreement: For new employees.
Termination Letter: Employee dismissal.
Workplace Harassment Policy: For small businesses.
Collective Bargaining Agreement: Between labor unions and companies.
Severance Agreement: Essential components.
Employment Contract: Standard clauses.
Workplace Safety Policy: Necessary elements.
Independent Contractor Agreement: Typical terms.
Non-compete Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Workplace Accommodation Request Letter: Template.
Whistleblower Policy: Common mistakes in drafting.
Family and Medical Leave Policy: For companies.
Wage and Hour Compliance Policy: For organizations.
Social Media Policy: For corporate employees.
Employee Handbook: For startups.
Workers' Compensation Policy: Standard clauses.
Confidentiality Agreement: For company mergers.
Employment Discrimination Case Settlement Agreement.
ADA Reasonable Accommodation Policy: Elements.
Executive Employment Agreement: Typical terms.
Workplace Drug and Alcohol Policy: Recommended provisions.
ADA Accommodation Request Template.
Diversity and Inclusion Policy: Drafting mistakes to avoid.
Workplace Violence Prevention Policy: For retail businesses.
Telecommuting Policy: For remote work environments.
Disciplinary Action Policy: For companies.
Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Program.
Arbitration Agreement: Employment context.
Performance Improvement Plan: For underperforming employees.
Labor Union Grievance Procedure.
Anti-discrimination Policy: Effective elements.
Temporary Employment Agreement: Typical terms.
Employee Stock Option Plan: Recommended provisions.
Employee Warning Notice Template.
Health and Wellness Program: Drafting mistakes to avoid.
Equal Employment Opportunity Policy: For medium-sized businesses.
Vacation and Paid Time Off Policy: For companies.
Conflict of Interest Policy: For non-profits.
Code of Conduct: For professional associations.
Trade Secret Protection Agreement: Standard clauses.
Layoff Notice: For company restructuring.
Retaliation Prevention Policy: For organizations.
Progressive Discipline Policy: Necessary elements.
Severance Pay Agreement: Typical terms.
Workplace Dress Code Policy: Recommended provisions.
Employee Performance Evaluation Template.
Wage Garnishment Policy: Drafting mistakes to avoid.
Workplace Privacy Policy: For technology companies.
Pension Plan Policy: For large corporations.
Overtime Policy: For manufacturing businesses.
Workplace Investigation Procedure.
Employee Intellectual Property Agreement: Standard clauses.
Reasonable Accommodation Denial Letter: For employers.
Workplace Safety Training Program: For construction companies.
Workplace Lactation Policy: Necessary elements.
Flexible Work Arrangement Policy: Typical terms.
Workplace Ethics Policy: Recommended provisions.
Employee Termination Checklist Template.
Workplace Emergency Preparedness Plan: Common mistakes.
ChatGPT Prompts for Immigration Lawyers:
Document Drafting and Legal Support in Immigration Law:
Memorandum of Understanding: For families seeking asylum.
Visa Application: Employment-based immigration.
Evidence Response: For H-1B visa applicants.
Waiver Application: Overcoming inadmissibility.
Marriage-Based Green Card Application: Key inclusions.
EB-5 Investor Visa Petition: Standard clauses.
U Visa Application: Necessary elements for success.
Labor Condition Application: Typical terms.
O-1 Visa Application: Recommended provisions.
Naturalization Application Template.
K-1 Fiancé(e) Visa Application: Common mistakes to avoid.
VAWA Self-Petitioner Support Letter.
DACA Recipient Status Adjustment Application.
Hardship Waiver: For deportation cases.
Asylum Application: Fleeing persecution.
E-2 Treaty Investor Visa Application.
L-1 Visa Application: Intra-company transferee.
I-601A Provisional Waiver Application.
I-130 Immigrant Visa Petition: Family-based.
T Visa Application: Human trafficking victims.
Consular Processing Application Template.
Affidavit of Support: Drafting errors to avoid.
Legal Brief: Immigration court hearing.
Removal Cancellation: Non-permanent resident.
Parole in Place Application: Military family members.
Motion to Reopen: Removal order cases.
H-2A Visa Application: Agricultural workers.
H-2B Visa Application: Non-agricultural workers.
I-212 Reapplication Permission: After deportation.
I-751 Petition: Removing conditions on residence.
J-1 Waiver Application: For exchange visitors.
I-539 Application: Change/extend non-immigrant status.
G-28 Notice of Entry: Attorney or accredited representative.
New Immigration Law Impact Analysis.
Notice of Intent to Deny Response: Immigration benefits.
Employment Authorization Document Application Cover Letter.
Immigration Court Continuance Request.
TN NAFTA Visa Application: Professionals.
R-1 Visa Application: Religious workers.
I-824 Application: Action on approved application/petition.
I-765 Employment Authorization Application.
I-360 Petition: Amerasian, Widow(er), Special Immigrant.
B-1/B-2 Visitor Visa Application Template.
I-131 Travel Document Application: Common mistakes.
ChatGPT Prompts for Business Lawyers:
Document Drafting in Business Law:
Non-Disclosure Agreement: For startups seeking investment.
Shareholder Agreement: For family-owned businesses.
Cease and Desist Letter: Trademark infringement cases.
Sales Agreement: Business product sales to a distributor.
Lease Agreement: Commercial property.
Partnership Agreement: Essential clauses.
Licensing Agreement: Key elements.
Franchise Agreement: Typical terms.
Employment Contract: Recommended provisions.
Promissory Note Template.
Power of Attorney: Common drafting mistakes.
Service Agreement: Freelance web developer.
Joint Venture Agreement: Collaborative projects.
Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement: Software companies.
Privacy Policy: E-commerce website.
Terms of Use Agreement: Online platforms.
Loan Agreement: Standard clauses.
Sponsorship Agreement: Necessary elements.
Settlement Agreement: Typical terms.
Contractor Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Buy-Sell Agreement Template.
Confidentiality Agreement: Common mistakes to avoid.
Release of Liability Waiver: Sports events.
Software Development Agreement: Mobile apps.
Property Management Agreement: Rental properties.
Merger Agreement: Competing companies.
Consulting Agreement: Business consultants.
Independent Contractor Agreement: Standard clauses.
Prenuptial Agreement: Necessary elements.
Severance Agreement: Typical terms.
Distribution Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Letter of Intent: Business acquisitions.
Non-Compete Agreement: Drafting mistakes.
Asset Purchase Agreement: Business acquisitions.
Stock Purchase Agreement: Company buyouts.
Warranty Agreement: Product manufacturers.
Commercial Lease Termination Agreement: Tenants vacating.
Real Estate Purchase Agreement: Inclusions.
Mortgage Agreement: Standard clauses.
Security Agreement: Necessary elements.
Operating Agreement: LLCs.
Supply Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Licensing Agreement: Patented inventions.
Subscription Agreement: Common mistakes.
Co-Founder Agreement: Technology startups.
Manufacturing Agreement: Product companies.
Reseller Agreement: Software companies.
Collaboration Agreement: Artists' projects.
Custody Agreement: Divorcing parents.
Trust Agreement: Standard clauses.
Will and Testament: Necessary elements.
Escrow Agreement: Typical terms.
Master Services Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Freelance Writer Agreement Template.
Website Development Agreement: Common mistakes.
Indemnity Agreement: Construction projects.
Memorandum of Understanding: Nonprofit organizations.
Retainer Agreement: Law firms.
Construction Contract: Residential properties.
Royalty Agreement: Book authors.
Change of Control Agreement: Standard clauses.
Debt Settlement Agreement: Necessary elements.
Pledge Agreement: Typical terms.
Advertising Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Domain Name Purchase Agreement Template.
Commercial Sublease Agreement: Common mistakes.
ChatGPT Prompts for Tax Lawyers:
Memorandum of Understanding: For joint ventures.
Non-disclosure Agreement: Software development company and freelancer.
Partnership Agreement: New law firm.
Will and Testament: Client drafting.
Commercial Lease Agreement: Essential elements.
Power of Attorney: Standard clauses.
Prenuptial Agreement: Key elements.
Employment Contract: Typical terms.
Shareholder Agreement: Essential provisions.
Promissory Note Template.
Service Level Agreement: Drafting errors to avoid.
Property Purchase Agreement: Residential transactions.
Software License Agreement: SaaS company and customers.
Living Trust: Client planning.
Cease and Desist Letter: Trademark infringement.
General Release of Liability.
Consulting Agreement: Standard clauses.
Warranty Deed: Essential elements.
Franchise Agreement: Typical terms.
Construction Contract: Recommended provisions.
Loan Agreement Template.
Non-compete Agreement: Common mistakes.
Separation Agreement: Divorcing couples.
Licensing Agreement: Patent holders and manufacturers.
Bylaws: Non-profit organizations.
Letter of Intent: Business acquisitions.
Bill of Sale: Vehicle transactions.
Independent Contractor Agreement: Standard clauses.
Quitclaim Deed: Essential elements.
Sublease Agreement: Typical terms.
Settlement Agreement: Essential provisions.
Confidentiality Agreement Template.
Merger Agreement: Drafting errors.
Stock Purchase Agreement: Business shares.
Sponsorship Agreement: Sports teams and corporates.
Terms of Service: E-commerce websites.
Privacy Policy: Mobile apps.
Letter of Demand: Unpaid invoices.
Distribution Agreement: Standard clauses.
Personal Guarantee: Essential elements.
Management Agreement: Typical terms.
Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement: Key provisions.
Sales Agreement Template.
Buy-Sell Agreement: Common mistakes.
Option Agreement: Real estate purchases.
Master Services Agreement: Marketing agencies and clients.
Retainer Agreement: Law firms.
Deed of Trust: Real estate transactions.
Affidavit of Support.
Manufacturing Agreement: Standard clauses.
Hold Harmless Agreement: Necessary elements.
Software Development Agreement: Typical terms.
Joint Venture Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Operating Agreement: LLCs.
Professional Services Agreement: Drafting errors.
Guardianship Agreement: Minor children.
Mediation Agreement: Dispute resolution.
Collective Bargaining Agreement: Employers and labor unions.
Donation Agreement: Charitable organizations.
Indemnification Agreement.
Work-for-Hire Agreement: Standard clauses.
Real Estate Purchase Contract: Essential elements.
Convertible Note Agreement: Typical terms.
Royalty Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Debt Settlement Agreement Template.
Asset Purchase Agreement: Drafting errors.
ChatGPT Prompts for Real Estate Lawyers:
Residential Lease Agreement: Landlords and tenants.
Purchase Agreement: Buyers and sellers.
Easement Agreement: Property owners and neighbors.
Commercial Lease Agreement: Corporations.
Deed of Trust: Key elements.
Land Installment Contract: Standard clauses.
Mortgage Agreement: Essential elements.
Property Management Agreement: Typical terms.
Real Estate Option Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Joint Venture Agreement: Real estate development.
Quitclaim Deed: Drafting mistakes.
Notice to Vacate: Landlords and tenants.
Real Estate Partnership Agreement: Investors.
Rent-to-Own Agreement: Property owners and buyers.
Letter of Intent: Commercial property purchases.
Right of First Refusal Agreement.
Construction Contract: Standard clauses.
Landlord's Lien Waiver.
Tenant Estoppel Certificate: Typical terms.
Sublease Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Real Estate Development Agreement Template.
Promissory Note: Real property security.
Homeowners Association Bylaws.
Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions Declaration.
Zoning Variance Request.
Title Opinion: Real estate attorneys.
Ground Lease Agreement.
Real Estate Commission Agreement: Standard clauses.
Non-Disclosure Agreement: Real estate.
Real Estate Confidentiality Agreement: Typical terms.
Indemnity Agreement: Real estate.
Co-Brokerage Agreement: Real estate.
Assignment Agreement: Real estate.
Warranty Deed: Residential property.
Land Contract: Property owners and buyers.
Boundary Line Agreement: Adjoining property owners.
Notice of Lis Pendens.
Lease Termination Agreement.
Lease Extension Agreement: Standard clauses.
Lease Amendment: Necessary elements.
Lease Guaranty.
Subordination Agreement: Lease terms.
Lease Assignment Agreement.
Lease Option Agreement: Drafting errors.
Letter of Intent to Lease.
Broker's Opinion of Value.
Letter of Intent to Sell.
Real Estate Closing Statement.
Escrow Agreement.
Real Estate Sales Contract: Standard clauses.
Tax Indemnity Agreement: Real estate.
Co-Ownership Agreement: Real estate.
Power of Attorney: Real estate.
Offer and Acceptance Agreement: Real estate.
Purchase and Sale Agreement: Drafting mistakes.
Letter of Intent to Purchase.
Contingency Agreement: Real estate.
Disclosure Statement: Property sellers.
Hold Harmless Agreement: Real estate agents.
Finders Fee Agreement: Real estate.
Investment Agreement: Real estate.
Syndication Agreement: Real estate.
Referral Agreement: Real estate.
Commission Dispute Resolution Agreement: Real estate.
Brokerage Representation Agreement: Real estate.
Marketing Agreement: Real estate.
ChatGPT Prompts for Intellectual Property (IP) Lawyers:
Patent Application: New inventions.
Trademark Registration Application: Company logos.
Copyright Infringement Cease and Desist Letter.
Software Licensing Agreement: Tech companies.
Non-Disclosure Agreement: Key elements.
Trade Secret License Agreement: Standard clauses.
Work-for-Hire Agreement: Essential elements.
IP Assignment Agreement: Typical terms.
Joint Development Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Patent License Agreement Template.
Trademark Coexistence Agreement: Common mistakes.
Design Patent Application: Unique designs.
Domain Name Purchase Agreement.
Patent Infringement Response Letter.
Copyright Takedown Notice: Photography websites.
Music Licensing Agreement.
Royalty Agreement: Standard clauses.
Trademark License Agreement: Essential elements.
Technology Transfer Agreement: Typical terms.
Software Development Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Merchandising Agreement Template.
IP Indemnification Clause: Drafting errors.
Plant Variety Protection Application.
Moral Rights Waiver Agreement: Artists' work.
Patent Invalidity Opinion Letter.
Trademark Opposition Filing.
Book Publishing Agreement.
Content Licensing Agreement: Standard clauses.
Patent Co-Ownership Agreement: Necessary elements.
Software Escrow Agreement: Typical terms.
Data Sharing Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Copyright Transfer Agreement Template.
Invention Disclosure Form: Common mistakes.
Utility Model Application: Technical innovations.
Research Collaboration Agreement: Universities and companies.
Freedom to Operate Opinion Letter.
Copyright Fair Use Analysis: Documentary filmmakers.
Film Production Agreement.
Patent Litigation Settlement: Standard clauses.
Trademark Maintenance and Renewal Agreement: Essential elements.
Multimedia Licensing Agreement: Typical terms.
Open-Source Software License: Recommended provisions.
IP Due Diligence Report Template.
Confidentiality Clause: IP agreements.
Geographic Indication Registration Application.
Inter Partes Review Petition: Patent challenges.
IP Valuation Report: Company acquisitions.
Trademark Cancellation Petition.
Patent Pooling Agreement.
Cross-Licensing Agreement: Standard clauses.
Software Maintenance and Support Agreement: Essential elements.
IP Pledge Agreement: Typical terms.
Database Rights Agreement: Recommended provisions.
Cease and Desist Response Letter: IP disputes.
IP Audit Plan: Common mistakes.
ChatGPT Prompts for Criminal Defense Lawyers:
Motion to Suppress Evidence: Illegal search and seizure cases.
Affidavit: Client's self-defense claim.
Memorandum of Law: Criminal defense motions.
Plea Agreement: Non-violent crime charges.
Pretrial Discovery Request.
Criminal Defense Retainer Agreement: Standard clauses.
Motion to Dismiss: Speedy trial rights violation.
Plea Bargain: Drug possession case.
Criminal Defense Attorney's Closing Argument: Provisions.
Criminal Defense Opening Statement Template.
Motion for New Trial: Drafting errors.
Motion in Limine: Prejudicial evidence exclusion.
Sentencing Memorandum: White-collar crime conviction.
Post-Conviction Relief Petition: Ineffective counsel claims.
Charge Reduction Request Letter: First-time offenders.
Bail Reduction Motion: Client's declaration.
Criminal Defense Witness Subpoena.
Habeas Corpus Writ.
Expungement Request: Typical terms.
Jury Instruction: Reasonable doubt.
Appeal Notice: Criminal cases.
Guilty Plea Set Aside Motion: Common mistakes.
Judgment of Acquittal Motion: Post-guilty verdict.
Defense Strategy Letter: Client communication.
Venue Change Motion: Pretrial publicity.
Bill of Particulars Request: Charge clarification.
Judge Recusal Motion: Bias.
Fee Agreement: Criminal defense attorney.
Prior Conviction Strike Motion.
Diversion Program Agreement: Terms.
Jury Instruction: Presumption of innocence.
Clemency Petition Template.
Expert Witness Appointment Motion: Common mistakes.
Sever Charges Motion: Multiple counts.
Exculpatory Evidence Production Request: Brady rule.
Improper Arrest Warrant Quash Motion.
Evidence Admission Opposition: Prosecution's motion.
Juror Bias Disqualification Motion.
Engagement Letter: Criminal defense attorney.
Coerced Confession Suppression Motion.
Deferred Prosecution Agreement: Terms.
Jury Instruction: Burden of proof.
Alibi Defense Notice Template.
Plea Agreement Enforcement Motion: Common mistakes.
Mistrial Motion: Juror misconduct.
Pretrial Hearing Response: Prosecution's motion.
Discovery Compulsion Motion: Prosecution.
Post-Conviction DNA Testing Petition.
Search Warrant Legality Challenge Motion.
Conflict of Interest Waiver: Criminal defense attorney.
Prosecutorial Misconduct Dismissal Motion.
House Arrest/Electronic Monitoring Agreement: Terms.
Jury Instruction: Eyewitness testimony.
Expert Testimony Introduction Notice Template.
Prior Conviction Admissibility Challenge Motion.
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